Reactivity Series Play Your Cards RightQuick View

Reactivity Series Play Your Cards Right

Fun game to play where students have to guess whether the next metal on the following slide will be more reactive (Higher) or less reactive (Lower). To use the macro to randomise the order of the slides: (You may wish to freeze the screen first!) When the presentation opens, enable macros. Click ‘View’ from the options at the top. Click ‘Macros’ on the right of the new options. Double click on ‘sort_ran’ and the slides will be jumbled! I usually have one student up at a time to play the game and reward students who get the further/ all the way through.
Rocks and rock cycle home learning projectQuick View

Rocks and rock cycle home learning project

Home learning project created for the Year 8 rocks and rocks cycle subject. It is designed to last a few weeks and involves feedback from parents, students and teachers. Also gives students a chance to evaluate the PLTS they used in the lesson. Text in red will need to be changed to suit your own needs. Feedback welcome!
BMI - Calculation and evaluationQuick View

BMI - Calculation and evaluation

Evaluate problems with using BMI to assess health Suggest advice for people based on their BMI score Calculate BMI using an equation (Thanks for BMI calculation worksheet borrowed.)