Raising Self AwarenessQuick View

Raising Self Awareness

This is a 3 part activity designed to enable student to begin to reflect upon who they want to be , how they may actually present themselves to others and how they can begin to make changes. Often students with problematic behaviour can quickly relay what their bad behaviours are, yet struggle to properly comprehend why these are such an issue. This does not have to be delivered in a worksheet format - it could be done in a more conversational way or intertwined with some role play for students to act out related scenarios in order to develop their understanding further. It can require a lot of self reflection from students so is best delivered in 3 parts rather than as a whole.
Understanding my freedoms, responsibilities and consequencesQuick View

Understanding my freedoms, responsibilities and consequences

This is a 3 page resource - two in table format and one of solution focused questions to encourage students to consider what freedoms are suitable for different age groups, what responsibilities go with these and what the challenges and consequences are as well as considering how to move forward towards more mature behaviour. This would need to be delivered as part of a discussion rather than purely offered as a worksheet. This is a means of raising awareness for students struggling with locus of control.
A selection of games suitable for working with small groupsQuick View

A selection of games suitable for working with small groups

This is a list of games and a description of how to play them for use with small groups of students. They have been regularly tried and tested with small groups of students with behaviour problems to help develop social skills as well as many other learning skills. Many of these games I have picked up from other people along the way and some are my own all collated into one document. Some of the games are old favourites, party games etc and some are more quirky such as ear fishing. Each game can be used both as an icebreaker, to improve group dynamics and also in order to develop skills such as cooperation, listening, concentration, perseverance, patience.