CIE iGCSE Russia Depth StudyQuick View

CIE iGCSE Russia Depth Study

Some resources I created for the Russia 1905-1941 depth study. The general design is with facts or statements for a short activity, then a iGCSE style question (4, 6 or 10 marks) on the worksheet. I hope you can make some good use of these to support your iGCSE students. The details of the worksheets, including the questions, are taken from past papers and mark schemes. The textbooks I use for teaching are the Ben Walsh GCSE Modern World History, and the Russia and USSR depth study (Hodder). The resources could also be useful for KS3 for practice for GCSE. There are 15 resources in total in this package
Wall Street Crash and Nazi PopularityQuick View

Wall Street Crash and Nazi Popularity

The Wall Street Crash and its affect on Germany: socially, economically and politically. Resulting in the popularity of the Nazi Party. Note: some content has been removed due to potential copyright infringements. This is a template of information to be adapted further to your needs.