Italian Advent Calendar sentence builderQuick View

Italian Advent Calendar sentence builder

Advent Calendar sentence builders in Italian to help students write pledges about what they can/will do each day of Advent. One contains modal verb + infinitives, the other has verbs in present tense (I-form).
Italian Advent Calendar sentence builderQuick View

Italian Advent Calendar sentence builder

Advent Calendar sentence builders in Italian to help students write pledges about what they can/will do each day of Advent. One contains modal verb + infinitives, the other has verbs in present tense (I-form).
Pasqua BattleshipsQuick View

Pasqua Battleships

2 battleships games about where you usually go at Easter and where you went this year. To be used separately with a focus on present tense verbs and present perfect tense verbs with leisure activities connected to Easter long weekend.