NEW AQA GCSE 3.1H Lo bueno y lo malo del institutoQuick View

NEW AQA GCSE 3.1H Lo bueno y lo malo del instituto

Complete lesson covering the new AQA GCSE specification topic of the good thing and bad thing about school for 3.1H. The lesson consists of a reading comprehension, a listening comprehension, dictation, translation, grammar revision on negatives and verbs like gustar and gfinally a written task.
Spanish lifestyle: MealsQuick View

Spanish lifestyle: Meals

A complete lesson on Theme 1, topic 2 Healthy living and lifestyle for the new AQA specification examined in 2026. There is a reading and listening (linked to the new resources) task, as well as a gap fill exercise. There is also a pronunciation task (focusing on the ‘g’ sound) which is linked to the new specification.