Plastic Free Lesson Plan ResourceQuick View

Plastic Free Lesson Plan Resource

These resources have been put together to support a series of lessons that will help your school to raise awareness of the issues surrounding single use plastics. The resources will allow you to deliver a range of content and allow the students to explore the concerns that they might have, share their views and investigate their own plastic usage, the impact on plastics on our world and to find out ways in which they could make a change. They will look at how their school could change and how they can see a future that uses resources in a different way. We see it as a vital part of education that children are able to make decisions that will have an impact on the future of the planet that they will inherit. The changes that individuals can make don’t have to cost a lot of money, they can be simple swaps, tiny tweaks in how we shop, how we eat and how we dispose of our waste. These resources have been designed by a fully qualified teacher.