GCSE PE OCR (9-1) Axis of Rotation Morph WorksheetQuick View

GCSE PE OCR (9-1) Axis of Rotation Morph Worksheet

This resource is to help explain the axis of rotation to GCSE PE students, studying the new OCR GCSE PE 9-1 course. I felt that the many resources available did not always show clearly the three axis of rotation. This sheet allows pupils to use play doh and the worksheet/diagrams to experiment with the three axes and then decide which is which (sheet not labelled!)
Skeletal System - What bones move when? (Practical)Quick View

Skeletal System - What bones move when? (Practical)

A simple resource to use within a fitness suite or circuit environment. Pupils complete the sheet, filling in the names of bones moving and describing the action. Ca be used as a starter/warm up or developed to use throughout a lesson.