Positive relationships lessonsQuick View

Positive relationships lessons

A series of 4 lessons looking at media impact, positive relationships, abusive relationships, and sexting. These are not my ideas - I have used a mixture of ideas from here an from school to put together for my year 8 PHSE programme. The sexting lessons in particular has had a real impact,
Changing FriendshipsQuick View

Changing Friendships

Looking at the issues caused when friendship groups change - powerpoint with resource/videoclips and quiz handout
Bullying lessonQuick View

Bullying lesson

Looking at different types of bullying and the effects it has on others - with resources included in the Powerpoint
Relationships lessonQuick View

Relationships lesson

Contains powerpoint and handouts to support - looking at the different types of relationships we have and how we manage them
Unit 2 Exploring care valuesQuick View

Unit 2 Exploring care values

Grid and support sheets for the first part of the controlled assessed task for learning aim A. Obviously scenarios may be different for individual schools.
Chemicals in a cigaretteQuick View

Chemicals in a cigarette

Powerpoint and Worksheet - some adapted from another powerpoint on here - main focus is chemical content of cigarettes, but beginning to look at other issues around smoking too
Y7 TransitionQuick View

Y7 Transition

Transition resources for the first day back and first PHSE sessions - used a range of ideas from here not all my own, thanks for the other resources. HOY assembly, FT presentations