NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.1 Endocrine CommunicationQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.1 Endocrine Communication

An interesting and excellently presented introductory presentation into the Hormonal Communication chapter. Students are introduced into the different glands of the endocrine system with a worksheet detailing the many hormones of the human body. This can also be used as a homework activity. The presentation then explores the different types of hormone, including protein and steroid hormones, and how first and second messengers work through a series of pictures and flow diagrams. To finish off, there is a fun plenary crossword activity where students can assess the learning they have made in the lesson. 5.4.1. (a) To understand endocrine communication by hormones. To know the secretion of hormones into the blood,transport by the blood, and detection by target cells or tissues.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.5 The Mammalian Nervous SystemQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.5 The Mammalian Nervous System

A clear and well-presented power point that describes each division of the mammalian nervous system, step by step. The lesson begins with a practice exam question from chapter 5.3 on neurones to remind students of what they have previously studied. The presentation firstly explains the need for animals to respond to their environments, and then breaks the nervous system down into central and peripheral, motor and sensory, autonomic and somatic, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Each is clearly explained with named examples and interesting pictures/diagrams. The lesson also includes a plenary game of catchphrase as a fun way to test the key words they have learnt in the lesson. 5.5.5 (g) to understand the organisation of the mammalian nervous system. To include the structural organisation of the nervous system into the central and peripheral systems AND the functional organisation into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.1-5.2.8 Excretion LessonsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.1-5.2.8 Excretion Lessons

A comprehensive and exciting bundle of teaching resources for the new OCR Biology A 5.2 Excretion module. Each lesson includes detailed information that covers each point of the specification, vibrant diagrams, thought-provoking questions and an array of starter activities and plenary games/activities. The following lessons are included: 5.2.1 Excretion Introduction and Waste Products 5.2.2 Structure and Histology of the Liver 5.2.3 Liver Functions: Deamination, Ornithine Cycle and Alcohol Detoxification 5.2.4 Kidney Structure 5.2.5 Kidney Function: Selective Reabsorption in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule 5.2.6 Kidney Function: Loop of Henle and Osmoregulation 5.2.8 Kidney Failure: Dialysis vs Transplants 5.2.8 Urine Analysis: Pregnancy Testing and Anabolic Steroids 5.2 Excretion revision catchphrases (Liver and Kidney)
NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.5 Diabetes: Type 1 and 2 and the source of InsulinQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.5 Diabetes: Type 1 and 2 and the source of Insulin

An interesting and detailed lesson on Diabetes mellitus, including video links to patient stories from the NHS website. It also includes some interesting and thought-provoking statistics about Diabetes to get students thinking about the implications of this rapidly increasing disease. The lesson explains in detail, the differences between Diabetes type 1 and 2, including the causes, treatments and risk factors. It also describes how we obtain insulin for treating diabetes, and the pros and cons of each source. This lesson comes with a fun, recap or revision Bingo game on the pancreas and regulation of glucose to recap the previous lesson. There is also a past exam questions and a true or false plenary included to finish. 5.4.5.(e) To know the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. To include the causes of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and the treatments used for each. HSW12 (f) To know the potential treatments for diabetes mellitus. To include the use of insulin produced by genetically modified bacteria and the potential use of stem cells to treat diabetes mellitus.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.1 Plant Responses to the EnvironmentQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.1 Plant Responses to the Environment

An interactive and fun power point presentation introducing A-level plant responses. The detailed slides cover plant responses to external stimuli (including chemical responses) and the two main types of response, tropisms and nastic responses. There are a number of interesting video clip links to bring these responses to life, along with a practice exam question and mark scheme, a research activity on named plant hormones and a matching plenary activity to finish. 5.5.1. (a) (i) to know the types of plant responses To include the response to abiotic stress and herbivory e.g. chemical defences (such as tannins, alkaloids and pheromones), folding in response to touch (Mimosa pudica) AND the range of tropisms in plants. M1.3, M1.6 HSW4 (b) To know the roles of plant hormones To include the role of hormones in leaf loss in deciduous plants, seed germination and stomatal closure.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.3 The Pancreas and release of InsulinQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.3 The Pancreas and release of Insulin

A comprehensive and well presented power point presentation to introduce the Pancreas and describe its functions both as an endocrine and exocrine gland. The presentation describes the structure of the pancreas and then introduces its exocrine role in producing pancreatic juice in the acini, followed by its endocrine role in secreting Glucagon and insulin from the Islets of Langerhans. There are many interesting pictures and eletromicrographs to show the differences between the various cell types, along with an excellent key-word matching activity to assess learning at the end of the lesson. Lastly, I have included a practice past paper question for students to apply their knowledge. 5.4.3 (c) (i) to know the histology of the pancreas (ii) Complete examination and drawing of stained sections of the pancreas to show the histology of the endocrine tissues PAG1 (d) To understand how blood glucose concentration is regulated To include the action of insulin and glucagon as an example of negative feedback, and the role of the liver AND the control of insulin secretion, with reference to potassium channels and calcium channels in the beta cells of the pancreas.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.2 The Adrenal glandsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.2 The Adrenal glands

An engaging power point presentation on the action of adrenaline which kick starts with an exciting video about how the body responds when it is pushed to its limits in order to survive. The presentation includes detailed diagrams and information on the structures of the adrenal glands, including the various layers of the cortex and the medulla. It also explores the different steroid and non-steroid hormones produced there, including adrenaline, and the critical functions that each hormone has in the human body. There is also a fun crossword starter that recaps the endocrine system covered in the previous lesson, plus some past paper questions on adrenaline including the mark scheme. 5.4.2 (b) To know the structure and functions of the adrenal glands as an example of endocrine glands, to include the hormones secreted by the cortex and medulla and their functions.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.4 Regulating Blood GlucoseQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.4 Regulating Blood Glucose

A detailed and eye-catching power point presentation explaining the roles of the endocrine cells of the pancreas, in producing Insulin and Glucagon hormones to regulate blood glucose concentration. The processes of glycogenesis, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis are fully explained within this. There is a key-word matching, starter activity to recap the previous lesson on the Pancreas. Also included, is a worksheet on how the actions of these hormones correspond to negative feedback (homeostasis) and a practice exam question. 5.4.3 (c) to know the histology of the pancreas (d) To understand how blood glucose concentration is regulated To include the action of insulin and glucagon as an example of negative feedback, and the role of the liver
NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.3-4 Nerve Impulses: Action Potentials, Local Currents and Saltatory ConductionQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.3-4 Nerve Impulses: Action Potentials, Local Currents and Saltatory Conduction

2 lessons in 1... A step-by-step and detailed power point presentation which firstly addresses how a resting potential is created across the cell membrane of a neurone, followed by the sequence of events which leads to an action potential (from depolarisation, to repolarisation, to hyperpolarisation), and lastly how local circuits and salutatory conduction lead to efficient transmission of action potentials along the axon. There is a word fill/ cloze starter on the structure and function of neurones as a recap from the previous lesson. A worksheet requiring data analysis on speed of action potential in neurones is also included. There are also multiple video links to animations on action potentials in the presentation, along with a set of practice questions to test students' understanding. Lastly, I have included a fun, true or false quiz to assess that all objectives have been achieved 5.3.3-4(c) to understand the generation and transmission of nerve impulses in mammals To include how the resting potential is established and maintained and how an action potential is generated (including reference to positive feedback) and transmitted in a myelinated neurone AND the significance of the frequency of impulse transmission.
New OCR Biology A 5.2.5 Kidney Function: UltrafiltrationQuick View

New OCR Biology A 5.2.5 Kidney Function: Ultrafiltration

An introductory power point presentation to the function of the kidney. This lesson includes a labelling the nephron starter, followed by a detailed explanation of ultrafiltration and the 3-part filtering system between the glomerulus and the bowman's capsule. There are also many diagrams that can be printed out as labelling activities. There is also a plenary worksheet with practice exam questions on. 5.2.5. (c) (i) to understand the structure, mechanisms of action and functions of the mammalian kidney including the processes of ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption and the production of urine.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.6 Kidney Function: Loop of henle and OsmoregulationQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.6 Kidney Function: Loop of henle and Osmoregulation

A detailed power point presentation on the function of the loop of henle as a countercurrent multiplier system, and osmoregulation through ADH and permeability of the collecting duct. 5.2.6. (d) the control of the water potential of the blood To include the role of osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus, the posterior pituitary gland, ADH and its effect on the walls of the collecting ducts.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.5 Kidney Function: Selective Reabsorption in the Proximal Convoluted TubuleQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.5 Kidney Function: Selective Reabsorption in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule

Includes a labelling starter activity from previous lesson on ultrafiltration, the glomerulus and bowman's capsule. The main activity involves details of how the walls of the PCT are specialised for selective reabsorption, and a step by step, labelled diagram to explain how glucose and amino acids are selectively reabsorbed in the PCT. There is also a plenary worksheet with practice questions on ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption. 5.2.5. (c) (i) to understand the structure, mechanisms of action and functions of the mammalian kidney including the processes of ultrafiltration, selective reabsorption and the production of urine.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.1-5.4.5 Hormonal Communication LessonsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.4.1-5.4.5 Hormonal Communication Lessons

5 Resources
A comprehensive and exciting bundle of teaching resources for the new OCR Biology A 5.4 Hormonal communication module. Each lesson includes detailed information that covers each point of the specification, vibrant diagrams, thought-provoking questions and an array of starter activities and plenary games/activities. The following lessons are included: 5.4.1. Endocrine Communication (Introduction to the endocrine system) 5.4.2. The Adrenal Glands (and action of corticoids and adrenaline) 5.4.3. The Pancreas and the release of Insulin 5.4.4. Regulating Blood Glucose 5.5.5. Diabetes: Type 1 and 2 and the sources of Insulin
NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.3 Plant Responses: Investigating TropismsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.3 Plant Responses: Investigating Tropisms

An interactive and comprehensive power point on tropism investigations for the new OCR Plant Responses chapter. The presentation explains how growth occurs at meristems, and the important role of auxin in cell elongation of phototropic and geotropic responses. The investigations carried out by Went, Darwin and Boysen-Jenson are all described with diagrams, and pupils are given the opportunity to practice writing their own methods to investigate phototropic and geotropic responses (in line with the new practical assessment element of the course). To finish there is a fun loop-game to assess students' learning from the lesson. 5.5.3 (ii) to understand practical investigations into phototropism and geotropism (b) to understand the roles of plant hormones
NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.8 Urine Analysis: Pregnancy Testing and Anabolic SteroidsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.2.8 Urine Analysis: Pregnancy Testing and Anabolic Steroids

Two presentations to cover the last topic in 5.2 Excretion - urine analysis. The first power point introduces the purpose of urine analysis, and then focuses on testing for pregnancy. In this presentation there are links to the NHS website alongside a very clear animation and explanation of how monoclonal antibodies in a pregnancy test work. The second covers testing for anabolic steroids and allows students to discuss the controversial disqualification of Lance Armstrong . It also explains how gas chromatography and mass spectrometry are used to test for these substances. Each presentation also comes with a keyword plenary to test students' understanding. 5.2.8 (f) to understand how excretory products can be used in medical diagnosis to include the use of urine samples in diagnostic tests, with reference to the use of monoclonal antibodies in pregnancy testing and testing for anabolic steroids and drugs.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.1-5.3.6 Neuronal Communication LessonsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.1-5.3.6 Neuronal Communication Lessons

4 Resources
A comprehensive and exciting bundle of teaching resources for the new OCR Biology A 5.3 Excretion module. Each lesson includes detailed information that covers each point of the specification, vibrant diagrams, thought-provoking, exam-style questions and an array of fun starter activities and plenary games/activities. The following lessons are included: 5.3.1. Roles of Sensory Receptors 5.3.2. Structure and Function of Neurones 5.3.3. Nerve Impulses: Action Potentials 5.3.4. Nerve Impulses: Transmission, Local Currents and Saltatory Conduction 5.3.5. Synapses: Structure of Cholinergic Synapses and Transmission 5.3.6. Synapses: Control of Communication
NEW OCR Biology A 5.1.3 Temperature control in Endotherms and EctothermsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.1.3 Temperature control in Endotherms and Ectotherms

A detailed power point that compares the differences between endotherms and ectotherms, and the physiological and behavioural mechanisms that they use. This includes diagrams and tables to complete, alongside a fun homeostasis bingo and crossword starter activities. 5.1.3-4(d)to know the physiological and behavioural responses involved in temperature control in ectotherms and endotherms. To include, • endotherms – peripheral temperature receptors, the role of the hypothalamus and effectors in skin and muscles; behavioural responses • ectotherms – behavioural responses. An opportunity to monitor physiological functions in ectotherms and/or endotherms.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.7 Reflex ActionsQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.5.7 Reflex Actions

An attractive and detailed power point presentation on Reflex Actions for the new OCR A course. There is two starter activities with this lesson, one for students to quickly recap their learning from the previous lesson on the structure of the brain, and a second to revisit what students learnt from GCSE on reflex actions. The power point begins with an explanation of what reflex actions are, their function in mammals, and the sequence of neurones involved in a reflex arc. The presentation then focuses on the two reflex actions that students are expected to understand in the specification (the blinking and knee-jerk reflexes). Pupils have to complete a comparison table at the end of the lesson to ensure they understand the two examples, and there is a practice exam question to apply what they have learnt. 5.5.7 (i) To understand how reflex actions work. To include knee jerk reflex and blinking reflex, with reference to the survival value of reflex actions.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.1. Sensory Receptors and generating Nerve ImpulsesQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.1. Sensory Receptors and generating Nerve Impulses

An introductory lesson to neuronal communication, covering the first topic of sensory receptors (including the pacinian corpuscles), membrane permeability and how nerve impulses are generated. This is broken down into a step by step explanation with detailed diagrams and information. There is an eye opening starter activity in which pupils are given a number of fascinating facts about the nervous system to discuss in pairs. At the end there is also a card sort/sequencing plenary activity in which students have to organise the sequence of events in the generation of an action potential. Lastly I have included a fun crossword to test students on everything covered in this lesson. This can either be used as a plenary or a starter to the following lesson. 5.3.1. (a) to know the roles of mammalian sensory receptors in converting different types of stimuli into nerve impulses. To include an outline of the roles of sensory receptors (e.g. Pacinian corpuscle) in responding to specific types of stimuli and their roles as transducers.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.2. Structure and Function of NeuronesQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.2. Structure and Function of Neurones

This lesson begins with a fun, recap crossword on 5.3.1 (sensory receptors and generating nerve impulses) to test what students can remember from last lesson. There is a detailed presentation explaining the structure and function of each type of neurone (sensory, relay and motor), accompanied with diagrams that students can annotate. This power point also describes the difference between myelinated and unmyelinated neurones, the structure of the myelin sheath and schwann cells, and the effect that this has on speed of conduction. There is also a series of practice exam questions for students to apply the knowledge they have gained from the presentation, and a plenary word fill activity. (a) to understand the roles of mammalian sensory receptors in converting different types of stimuli into nerve impulses to include an outline of the roles of sensory receptors (e.g. Pacinian corpuscle) in responding to specific types of stimuli and their roles as transducers. (b) to know the structure and functions of sensory, relay and motor neurones and the differences between the structure and function of myelinated and non-myelinated neurones.
NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.5-6 SynapsesQuick View

NEW OCR Biology A 5.3.5-6 Synapses

A detailed and engaging power point presentation all about synapses. This presentation is designed to be taught over 2 lessons and covers the last two sections of the 5.3 Neuronal Communication chapter. In the first lesson, the power point outlines the basic structure of a cholinergic synapse, including the pre-synaptic bulb and post-synaptic membrane (including detailed diagrams and pictures). It then has a link to an animation of the transmission of acetylcholine across the synapse, which students then need to use to complete a 'comic strip' activity showing the main stages involved in this. In the second lesson, students must complete the 'more about synapses' worksheet which covers the various functions of synapses, EPSPs, IPSPs, convergence and divergence of neurones and memory, learning and habituation. This bundle also includes 'Neuronal Communication Revision Bingo' for a fun way to summarise and revise all the key terms learnt in this chapter. 5.3.5-6 (d) To know the structure and roles of synapses in neurotransmission. To include the structure of a cholinergic synapse and the action of neurotransmitters at the synapse and the importance of synapses in summation and control.