Maths Knowledge Organisers with 'Your Turn' (Pearson Foundation)Quick View

Maths Knowledge Organisers with 'Your Turn' (Pearson Foundation)

These were built for the Pearson Foundation spec but can easily be adapted for other purposes. They were made by adapting the great work of Andy Coleman. I’ve made them bigger and added a column for questions including comprehension, scaffolded questions, non-examples. This way the pupil answers these as they are first learning and then has more of a personal connection to each part of the KO to come back to. I think it makes the long-term retrieval more effective. I’m glad to say these KOs are also now available on Let me know what you think, especially if you’ve adapted them! Jake
Edexcel Economics B Knowledge Organisers Term 1Quick View

Edexcel Economics B Knowledge Organisers Term 1

I’ve thrown together topics that I’m teaching for the first term. They cover: Basic Economics (scarcity, specialisation, factors of production, business objectives) Price Mechanism (S&D, determination, assumptions) Elasticities (not including XED as it’s not on our spec) Revenue, Costs, Profits and Cash Market Research, Segmentation,Price and non price competition Business Growth, Competitive Advantage, and Productivity Let me know if you use it and change anything - I’m new to this :)
Angles in Polygons UnitQuick View

Angles in Polygons Unit

Made to take pupils from angles in triangles to solving problems involving angles in polygons Takes from variation theory and other free websites Enjoy!