supporting self-harm workbookQuick View

supporting self-harm workbook

This workbook looks into the psycho-eduction around self-harm before looking into prevention and alternative strategies to support children and young people with self-harm. Contains: Psycho-education Facts and Myths Cycle Effects Support networks Alternatives and more!!
Challenging our Negative thoughtsQuick View

Challenging our Negative thoughts

As part of a cognitive behaviour therapy approach it is important for children (and adults) to be able to identify their negative automatic thoughts. Once children can identify these beliefs they can start to challenging them in order to feel better.
Stages of testing - circuitsQuick View

Stages of testing - circuits

During circuit training allow children and young adults to record each stage. Afterwards their is space for children to explain what they have identified from their results.
Step-by-step planQuick View

Step-by-step plan

This worksheet allows children to create a step-by-step plan to achieve an ultimate goal. It is important for goals to be broken down into small realistic steps be able to achieve.
Ancient Egyptian ArtefactsQuick View

Ancient Egyptian Artefacts

Presentation for presenting Egptian artefacts. Includes- facts about different artefacts quiz for recall of knowledge I can observe artefacts. ​ I can identify at least one piece of evidence from the ancient Egyptians.​ I can compare the similarities between ancient Egypt and Britain today.​
Display itemsQuick View

Display items

Labels for - Days of the week Month of the year Date ETC. Blank - Pastel Alphabet letters
Multiplication bingoQuick View

Multiplication bingo

Multiplication bingo sheet. Adapted to use for any multiplication - children choose their own numbers in the focus timetable.