Start Environmental Action (S.E.A)Quick View

Start Environmental Action (S.E.A)

TOGETHER WE WE WILL CREATE CHANGE Empowered by the positive impacts on the environment during the Coronavirus lockdown, a group of young people and youth activists set up the project Start Environmental Action (S.E.A). In response to their voices being excluded from the climate movement, S.E.A aims to spread awareness, break down barriers between adult experts and young people; empowering more young people to feel connected and take action on environmental topics. Aged between 14 and 22, young people working with Youth Focus North West have led on all aspects of the project including designing the S.E.A logo and researching and curating the videos and educational resources for six key themes. TAKE ACTION These young activists are asking for young people, influencers, teachers, youth workers and parents to join the movement; watch their videos, download and share their resources and raise awareness online @YouthFocusNW #WavesOfChange Download their curriculum packs and watch their videos FREE here.