Indigenous Studies 12 Trivia GameQuick View

Indigenous Studies 12 Trivia Game

Indihist - A Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 Trivia Learning Game Are you struggling to engage students in the new BC curriculum? Are you searching for a fun and new way to teach students vital information about Indigenous peoples and cultures? This trivia game, developed using information from the Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 textbook (Boyington, Darion, and John A. Roberts. Indigenous Peoples in Canada. 1st Edition ed., Emond Publishing, 2017), is perfect for you! Simply print the cards, cut them, and use them as flashcards, in a trivia game, or for reference. Indihist is perfect for anyone interested in learning or teaching about Indigenous peoples’ history, present, and future in Canada as a part of our rapidly changing culture. Includes 120 unique trivia cards in 7 different categories; 3 different time periods and 4 of the unique cultures involved in Canada’s history.