Daedalus & Icarus comic strip Quick View

Daedalus & Icarus comic strip

Excellent task for Greek Mythology - children can have a go at creating their own comic strip and changing the ending of the story of Daedalus & Icarus. Extension task - children could change the beginning of the story and put this on their comic
Angle measuring with protractorQuick View

Angle measuring with protractor

A two page worksheet with four questions to interpret an angle from a diagram of a protractor (in degrees), four questions to determine the degree and type of angle (i.e. acute or obtuse) and three questions regarding student's knowledge of obtuse, acute and right angles (and their ability to calculate them from reading a protractor). **Answers can be filled in on sheet or pictures of protractors & questions can be stuck in books & answered there.
Changing similies into metaphors Quick View

Changing similies into metaphors

PowerPoint for recap similes, introducing metaphors and how to change a simile into a metaphor LO & SC to stick in books (with AFL tick box) Differentiated worksheets and extensions to test pupil's ability to change similes into metaphors
Fraction word problems - Space themeQuick View

Fraction word problems - Space theme

Exciting Space Theme: Year 4 (top/middle set) or Year 5 (middle/bottom/revision for top set) Space Powerpoint revising the bus stop method and showing how to do for example 5/250's of something (with no remainders). LO and SC (that children can self-assess at the end of the lesson) for books so less writing for the children! Then 2 top (AA), 2 middle (A), and 2 bottom (BA) differentiated activity (space theme) sheets. Plus exciting red, amber and green homework sheets so children can self-assess by selecting the homework sheet that they feel they need at the end of a lesson (e.g. red if they found it tough or green if they want more of a challenge). ENJOY :)