Learning to Learn Scheme of WorkQuick View

Learning to Learn Scheme of Work

KS3 Scheme of work, lesson resources including scheme, PPT, activity resources. Lesson 1 - What and how we learn Lesson 2- How do we learn Lesson 3 - what can limit your learning Lesson 4 - How have others overcome their barriers Lesson 5 - How can I overcome my own barriers Lesson 6 - How does this apply to me Lesson 7- where do I want my learning to take me
Learning to Learn - Unit of Work KS4Quick View

Learning to Learn - Unit of Work KS4

Scheme of work, lesson PPTs and Activity resources. Lesson 1 - what and how do we learn Lesson 2 - The biology behind learning (neroplasticity) Lesson 3 - What are my barriers to learning Lesson 4 - Growth Mindsets Lesson 5 - Action Planning - where am I now? Lesson 6 - Strategies for effective Learning Lesson 7 - Goal Setting