Rounding Game (nearest whole number)Quick View

Rounding Game (nearest whole number)

One A5 sheet (and a pen) per two students. Aims: round to the nearest integer develop game strategy four in a row One student picks two different digits from 1 to 8. The other arranges them, e.g. 4.3 or 3.4, rounds them to the nearest integer, e.g. 4 or 3 and marks one square with that number. Continue until a player has 4 in a row
nth term visual excel fileQuick View

nth term visual excel file

Input the nth term, see the sequence on a 100 square. I have found this helps students understand what each times table ‘looks like’ as we change from 2n to 3n to 4n, etc. Then it is easier to see the shifting of the entire times table up or down as we change from 2n to 2n+1 to 2n+2 to 2n+3, etc. *To change the cell colour fill from yellow, select the entire 100 square, conditional formatting, manage rules, change from fill yellow to fill (colour of your choice). *