

Includes saying what you hobbies and activities you like to do in your spare time using -ar, -er and -ir verbs in the present tense, including talking about the weather using cuando, to say when you do these hobbies and how often using time phrases. This follows the viva 1 scheme of work, including a range of activities and tasks to cover all four skill sets (speaking tasks, translation, gap fills, matching) using the textbook activities in between.
Bubble Writing MatQuick View

Bubble Writing Mat

EXAMPLE PHOTO IS A COMPLETED VERSION FOR DIFFERENT TOPIC - This resource can be used to help scaffold a piece of writing, using the middle to write a description (in this case of your hobbies / passtimes and when you do them, including weather and how often). Can be used with Viva! 1 - Module 2 - Mi tiempo libre - saying what you like to do in your spare time, giving opinions using me gusta + infinitive, using -ar verbs in the present tense, talking about the weather, using cuando, using question words. When a phrase or word has been included in the writing, you colour in the bubble with the corresponding word, like a checklist. Extension - add your own words and phrases, can leave a few bubbles blank for this or do on the back. **The document included is editable when downloaded and has the words in the bubbles typed for you for this topic. Once downloaded, can edit for any topic preferred! ** Unit 1 - ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Unit 2 - ¿Cantas kareoke? Unit 3 - ¿Qué haces cuando llueve?
Viva 1 - Module 2 - Mi tiempo libreQuick View

Viva 1 - Module 2 - Mi tiempo libre

Lesson covers opinion phrases, me gusta + infinitive, present tense verb endings, -ar, -er, -ir verbs, types of weather using cuando, and seasons. This can be used along with the second lesson on my resource page to cover the whole of Module 4. Includes sentence builders, fill the gap activities, translation, speaking tasks, grammar explanations etc.
Studio 2 Vert - Module 4 - Chez moi, chez toi - Unit 1-4Quick View

Studio 2 Vert - Module 4 - Chez moi, chez toi - Unit 1-4

This sequence of lessons follows the Studio 2 French curriculum - la ou j’habite, dans mon appart’, á table tout le monde, and c’est la chandeleur. Instructions for each slide are given in the notes section on the powerpoint, aiming to assess all 4 skills in the TL. Vocabulary includes - les domiciles, les pieces, les prépositions, les meubles, and le petít déjeuner.
Food and Drink - QUE TE GUSTA COMERQuick View

Food and Drink - QUE TE GUSTA COMER

Introduces vocabulary to say what food and drink you like, including recap on a wider range of opinions. Can be used alongside Viva 2 - A comer - Module 3.