An interactive activity for students to model protein synthesis. Tailored to the new AQA GCSE Biology specification. Students could cut their own resources out, but I made 10 identical laminated packs to use each year. Students can take photos of each stage in order to make a timeline. I have included a word document with photos of each stage.
<p>A summary diagram for AQA A-Level Biology photosynthesis. The powerpoint also includes a slide with blanks and an animation slide for revealing the blanks! I hope this is of use.</p>
<p>A useful summary diagram for AQA A-Level Biology Respiration that I drew and scanned in. Students like this as it pulls everything together. Hopefully it might be of some use!</p>
This is a rather open task. Students get given a copy of the flowchart and a copy of the 'cut and stick' sheet. They then fill in the relevant boxes and stick them around the flowchart. They can annotate their diagram with more information and key terms e.g. muscle contraction, anaerobic respiration.