European Day of Languages QuizQuick View

European Day of Languages Quiz

Multiple choice quiz in English to celebrate European day of Languages. Could be used in tutor time or as part of a wider programme of activities. The answers are included in a separate sheet - this enables you to use the quiz as part of a competition, either within a group or across house/ year or school groups.
KS3 Spanish Opinions on TVQuick View

KS3 Spanish Opinions on TV

A complete lesson on giving and justifying opinions in Spanish, on the topic of television programmes. The lesson can be used to introduce the topic of television as it begins with TV genre vocab. It also includes; a range of activities designed to get your class speaking Spanish spontaneously, grammar revision (me gusta and adjective agreement), writing activities, examples, success criteria and interactive plenaries. Includes notes on ideas for how to deliver some of the activities. A good choice for a last-minute observation, change of timetable etc.
Generic Film Review worksheet Spanish/FrenchQuick View

Generic Film Review worksheet Spanish/French

A very simple worksheet for any KS3 class to go with any film - in either French or Spanish. It gives them something to focus on when watching a film in class and gives you a starting point from which to get students talking about the film- plot, characters and their opinion. Could work as a resource for a last minute cover lesson, meaning that the students are still exposed to the language and culture, while the cover teacher has a chance to get on with their own work.
KS3 Futuro / Future (ir a + infinitive)Quick View

KS3 Futuro / Future (ir a + infinitive)

A one off lesson to introduce and practice the near future could work with any KS3 class either as an introduction or a refresher. Activities include, translation, retranslation, discussion, writing, speaking and an interactive plenary similar to Kahoot. I use a pack of 4 coloured cards (1 set per student - or in pairs to make them discuss the answer). Alternatively you could do this with a set of mini-whiteboards (for a more last minute version - no need for any other printing or prep). Just download and go and it works at any point, regardless of scheme of work.
KS3/4 Películas - write about filmsQuick View

KS3/4 Películas - write about films

A series of lessons planned to enable students to write about films. The lessons cover vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening and are aimed at a year 9 or 10 group. There are multiple links to external media to support some of the activities. Title slides and dates are included to show where lessons typically start and end, although it is perfectly possible to change the order or significance of certain activities and you may wish to move starters and plenaries in line with this. Slide 13 includes a writing frame to help students to build a film review - Slide 14 includes a printable version of this writing frame. Click on the timers while delivering the presentation as they are animated.
GCSE Spanish Speaking and Writing - EnvironmentQuick View

GCSE Spanish Speaking and Writing - Environment

A lesson in three simple steps. Firstly focus on grammar, specifically modal verbs and discussing how they can be used to improve students written and spoken Spanish. The second is a ‘game’ or fun learning activity, students write their own questions for other students on a sliding scale of difficulty - this forces students to speak spontaneously a key aim of the GCSE course. The final slide is a writing activity, with a frame to support your discussions with students, if you have the time, it works well to live draft the writing text together as a class before allowing them time to complete their own paragraph - in timed conditions.
KS3/4 French Writing Holiday PosterQuick View

KS3/4 French Writing Holiday Poster

An excellent resource for lock down (or a computer room in normal times…) The first 2 slides provide examples of pieces of writing - the first focusing on using the future to write about holidays, the second focusing on the use of the passé composé. The lesson works well with students in years 9 and 10 to encourage them to use a range of tenses to write about a topic which is as relevant to the GCSE specification as most KS3 schemes of work. Show the chosen example to the class, read and translate together as a class - look for certain language features discuss ideas for their own writing, then go through the success criteria and get the class to suggest how they would achieve each point, get writing - simple.
French Present Tense Verb EndingsQuick View

French Present Tense Verb Endings

A simple slide explaining the formation of the present tense of regular verbs (er, re and ir) in French. For use as a time saving device to paste into lesson powerpoints, to use as a poster or laminated mat for writing and revising or even to use as the basis of a test.