Erasmus+ Project: inclusive didactic through multiculturalism & hologramsQuick View

Erasmus+ Project: inclusive didactic through multiculturalism & holograms

INCLU.MA.P. project involved 4 secondary schools (both general education and VET) with a percentage of foreign students, first or second generation migrants, between 10% and 30%, distributed between Italy, Spain, Portugal, southern European countries exposed for centuries to migration and cultural contamination thanks to contacts with Mediterranean populations, to which have been added, particularly in the last 10 years, migratory flows from former colonies or by sea, making these countries a target for many migrants seeking access to the EU. The general objective of the project was to develop active citizenship and intercultural dialogue skills in about 320 secondary school students, to enable all of them, natives and migrants, to contribute to the formation of communities inspired by the values of respect, mutual knowledge and appreciation, and democracy, starting from school life, thanks to the creation of multicultural and stratified learning communities. The objective was pursued through the design and testing of 4 interdisciplinary educational programmes, aimed at the reconstruction, recovery and valorization of the traditional heritage related to the material culture of all students, natives and migrants, who make up the melting-pot of the new multi-ethnic learning communities; each programme was dedicated to an indicator related to the Framework of Civilisation, according to the historiographic approach of the eminent French scholar Fernand Braudel: Intellectual Output 1: Food and Nutrition Intellectual Output 2: Clothing and Fashion Intellectual Output 3: Professions and Objects of Work; Intellectual Output 4: Housing and Objects of Daily Life. Specific objectives of each of the 4 programmes were: -collection, analysis and documentation of the specific indicator within the framework of civilisation, to be achieved through the historical/philosophical, linguistic, humanistic and religious curricular disciplines reconstruction of the multi-ethnic/multicultural framework obtained for each civilisation indicator, carried out within the STEM curriculum, through the use of 3D digital image modelling of the holographic projector, organised as project work managed in increasing autonomy by the students themselves, aimed at reproducing a descriptive “multi-faceted” image of the multicultural neocommunity where they learn and live.