Sport-Themed Reading Booklet (Form Time Literacy)Quick View

Sport-Themed Reading Booklet (Form Time Literacy)

This is a sports-themed booklet based on the principle of ambition. It has been created using a variety of articles. There are 10 comprehension questions for each week. Some are multiple choice questions and some require short answer. The articles are interesting and chosen to engage KS3 students.
Spelling Bee - Four RoundsQuick View

Spelling Bee - Four Rounds

Spelling Bee competition that is aimed to engage KS3 students. It should take an hour to run. There are four different rounds to complete, such as spelling golf, left or right and fill in the blanks.
Macbeth Literacy BookletQuick View

Macbeth Literacy Booklet

Used previously to support students in form time, this booklet combines some key knowledge revision and a literacy focus each week. Aimed at KS4 and should cater to all abilities. Key characters, the plot and vocabulary are outlined, as well as key punctuation marks and spelling.
Form Time Literacy ResourceQuick View

Form Time Literacy Resource

A seven session multiple choice reading comprehension booklet and answer powerpoint. The focus is on different animals found in the UK. Targeted for Year 7 or Year 8 students. The reading questions are designed to test students on their close reading skills based on the pedagogy of Doug Lemov’s ‘Reading Reconsidered’.