Teacher stood in front of a class of students with a tablet device
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5 ways to manage behaviour and improve staff wellbeing

Good student behaviour is essential to the success of a school, not only in relation to good academic outcomes, but in supporting job satisfaction among school staff.
03 Jun 24

When looking at wellbeing in the education sector, it’s important to consider how a school manages the behaviour of its students.

When asked in the School Snapshot Survey, two-thirds (67%) of teachers felt that dealing with misbehaviour at their school had negatively affected their wellbeing to at least a slight extent. (1)

As staff wellbeing has gained prominence as a key feature in school planning, senior leadership teams are seeking to make changes to better manage behaviour, not only to support better academic outcomes and but to also improve teacher wellbeing. 

How bad behaviour impacts staff wellbeing 

It’s no secret to those in the education sector that teachers and education staff report high levels of job-related stress. In 2020, of 144,000 educators in Britain suffering from a work-related illness, 55% of those illnesses were related to stress, depression and anxiety. (2)

Educators reported student behaviour as a key factor in workplace dissatisfaction, with lack of policy and senior leadership support contributing to ongoing issues of low-level disruption, absenteeism and verbal abuse and intimidation between students. (3) 

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In a study conducted by Policy Exchange in 2018, 75% of educators polled reported low-level disruption occurs frequently or very frequently. In the same study, 72% of educators reported knowing a colleague who “left the profession because of bad behaviour”.(4)

Here’s how we can help: introducing our classroom management software Class Charts, powered by EduKey 

Student behaviour is the biggest barrier to good teaching and learning that teachers face. Class Charts helps eradicate low-level disruption, by learning which students work best together. You can monitor and motivate pupils with behaviour management in two easy clicks. It supports all staff - from NQT to headteachers - to take a proactive approach to poor behaviour; ultimately improving pupil performance, reducing teachers’ workload and removing barriers to learning. 

Five ways Class Charts can help with behaviour and improve staff wellbeing:

  1. Class Charts displays all students in a class and their total of both positive and negative behaviours, so you can easily identify any trends in behaviours. 

  2. You can add your own school behaviour policy as ‘customisable behaviours’ that can be recorded in class. Staff can use Class Charts to record rewards and sanctions within two clicks. 

  3. Senior leaders can use Class Charts on their learning walks using a mobile device to monitor and record behaviour. 

  4. Intelligence events can be made in seconds to notify key staff of any event in school, either positive or negative, eg, if the head of maths wants to praise their staff more for facilitating positive behaviour in the department, they can receive an email the moment that a threshold is hit. 

  5. Class Charts can visually represent data on behalf of a tutor group, year group, etc. Heads of departments can easily see any hot spots of positive or negative behaviour.

If you’re interested In learning how Class Charts can help your school to manage behaviour, contact us today.

Find out more and book a demo

  1. The School Snapshot Survey: Summer 2019
  2. Teacher well-being at work in schools and further education providers
  3. Policy Exchange - “It Just Grinds You Down”

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