How to save hours on setting up parents’ evenings

See how Tes Parents’ Meetings can dramatically cut down on the time it takes to create your next event

Tes Marketing

Parents Meeting 5 minutes set-up Blog image

We all know the old way of getting ready for parents’ evenings: hundreds of slips of paper handed to students, along with responsibility for setting up appointments with their teachers. If that piece of paper didn’t vanish entirely, it was likely to meet a scrunched-up fate at the bottom of a school bag, meaning parents didn’t know who they were meeting or when, often resulting in appointments being missed or delayed, and teachers’ valuable time wasted.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Tes Parents’ Meetings enables schools to host efficient, hassle-free parents' evenings, either in-person or via secure video call conferencing, that run to schedule and reduce admin, saving time for everyone. Here’s how: 

Set up your next parents’ evening in under five minutes

With Tes Parents’ Meeting, you can be up and running on the same day. Creating a parents’ evening from scratch online only means completing six simple steps:

1. Add your basic event details

2. Add the relevant students

3. Add your classes

4. Add your teachers

5. Set your appointment lengths

6. Set your teacher's availability

Then you're done! All in about five minutes. Then you can create the next one in seconds with the “copy” feature.

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Store everything in one place

Tes Parents’ Meetings means all of your information is easily accessible in one place, and the system integrates with school management systems to sync teachers, students, parents and classes, and save hours on copying over information. It also enables leaders to see at a glance who can’t attend and who didn’t turn up, rather than having to chase this information manually.  

Banish appointment slips

With Tes Parents’ Meetings, admin staff no longer have to organise appointment sheets, process reply slips or chase up students. Parents can simply book their appointments themselves on the easy-to-use online platform at a time that suits them (with no log-ins and passwords to remember). Users say the system has improved parental engagement, and the easy tracking means you can demonstrate that to inspectors with data. 

Flexible planning

You can easily adjust classes and teachers in just a few clicks, and for classes taught by multiple teachers, you can specify which teachers are involved, and whether parents can book one appointment with all the teachers at the same time, or book each teacher separately, saving time for everyone involved.

Book a demo today and see just how much time Tes Parents’ Meetings can save your school.

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