OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L2 - New Media (Creative iMedia)Quick View

OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L2 - New Media (Creative iMedia)

Lesson 2: New Media This lesson provides an overview and introduces students to the concept of new media. It explores how technological advancements and the internet have transformed traditional media platforms, enabling novel forms of communication, collaboration, and participation. During the lesson, students will learn about different types of new media, such as social media, digital art, online gaming, and virtual reality. They will gain insight into the impact of new media on various aspects of society, including journalism, advertising, entertainment, and activism. Through interactive discussions and multimedia content, students will understand the characteristics and unique features of new media, such as interactivity, customization, and user-generated content. The lesson will also emphasize the importance of digital literacy and critical thinking skills when consuming new media. Moreover, the lesson will highlight the ethical considerations associated with new media, such as privacy, online harassment, and the spread of misinformation. Students will be encouraged to engage in responsible digital citizenship and develop strategies for navigating the complexities of the online world. By the end of the lesson, students will have a foundational understanding of new media and its pervasive influence on contemporary society. They will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate, critically evaluate, and effectively utilize new media platforms for personal, professional, and social purposes.
OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L1 - Traditional Media (Creative iMedia)Quick View

OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L1 - Traditional Media (Creative iMedia)

Lesson 1: In this lesson on traditional media, participants will embark on a captivating exploration of the origins, significance, and enduring relevance of various traditional media forms. Guided by experienced instructors, students will delve into the intriguing history of traditional media, its underlying principles, and its role in shaping societies. The lesson will commence by highlighting the fundamental distinction between traditional and digital media. Participants will gain insight into the origins of traditional media, tracing its early roots in cave paintings, hieroglyphics, and ancient manuscripts. An engaging presentation will unfold the evolution of traditional media, encompassing mediums such as print, radio, television, and film, each considered a landmark in communication history. Throughout the session, students will dive into the unique characteristics of traditional media that account for its ongoing relevance. They will explore how tactile experiences, tangible artifacts, and the shared nature of traditional media have cultivated a sense of community, while simultaneously creating lasting imprints on cultural identity. The lesson will also emphasize the historical significance of traditional media in disseminating information and shaping public opinion. An interactive discussion will shed light on the influential power of traditional media, enabling students to comprehend the impact of iconic newspaper headlines, powerful radio broadcasts, and thought-provoking documentaries in shaping historical events. Additionally, students will be encouraged to critically analyze the relevance of traditional media in the era of digital dominance. By contrasting the unique strengths and limitations of traditional and digital media, participants will develop a well-rounded perspective on how these forms coexist and complement each other. By the end of this lesson on traditional media, students will emerge with a comprehensive understanding of its enduring influence, cultural significance, and its relevance in contemporary society. This immersive experience will foster a profound appreciation for the breadth of communication mechanisms used by our ancestors, urging participants to consider the preservation and integration of traditional media in our ever-evolving digital landscape.
OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L5 - Social Media, Digital Games, Comic BooksQuick View

OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L5 - Social Media, Digital Games, Comic Books

Lesson 5: Social Media, Digital Games, Comic Books In this lesson, we will explore three important products in the media industry: social media, digital games, and comic books. We will cover their significance, impact, and the unique characteristics that set them apart. Social Media: Social media platforms have revolutionized communication and information sharing. We will focus on how these platforms have transformed the media landscape by allowing individuals and organizations to connect and engage with a large audience. We will discuss the different types of social media platforms, their functionalities, and their role in shaping public opinion, spreading trends, and disseminating news and entertainment. Digital Games: Digital games have become a dominant form of entertainment, attracting millions of players worldwide. We will delve into the various genres and platforms in digital gaming, including console, PC, and mobile games. We will explore the impact of digital games on popular culture, the growing e-sports industry, and the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with excessive game consumption. Comic Books: Comic books have been fundamental in the development of the media industry and continue to be a source of inspiration for movies, TV shows, and video games. We will discuss the origins and evolution of comic books, highlighting their unique storytelling techniques and artistic styles. Additionally, we will explore the impact of comic books on popular culture, their role in promoting diverse representation, and the increasing popularity of graphic novels. Throughout this lesson, we will analyze the similarities and differences between these media products, investigating how they extend beyond their initial formats to influence and intersect with various aspects of entertainment, marketing, and storytelling. By the end, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the significance and dynamics of social media, digital games, and comic books in the media industry.
OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L3 - Audio, Video, MusicQuick View

OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L3 - Audio, Video, Music

Lesson 3: Products in the Media Industry 1 (Audio, Video, Music) The lesson on “Products in the Media Industry 1 (Audio, Video, Music)” will provide an overview of the different types of products found within the media industry, specifically focusing on audio, video, and music. Students will learn about the various mediums and formats used for delivering these products to consumers. The lesson will begin by defining the terms audio, video, and music, and discussing their importance within the media industry. Students will explore the evolution of audio products, such as vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs, and digital streaming platforms. They will gain an understanding of how technology has influenced the production, distribution, and consumption of audio media. Next, the lesson will dive into video products, including television shows, movies, and online streaming platforms. Students will learn about the different formats through which video content is delivered to audiences, such as DVD, Blu-ray, and digital downloads. They will also explore the impact of digital platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu on the video industry. Furthermore, the lesson will cover the significance of music products within the media industry. Students will gain insight into the history of music distribution, including vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs, and digital music platforms like iTunes and Spotify. They will also explore the impact of streaming services on the music industry and the changing dynamics of artist promotion and revenue generation. Throughout the lesson, students will engage in discussions and activities to reinforce their understanding of the various products in the media industry. They will have the opportunity to analyze case studies and real-world examples to demonstrate their comprehension. Additionally, they will explore emerging trends and future possibilities for audio, video, and music products in the ever-evolving media landscape. By the end of the lesson, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the different products in the media industry, including audio, video, and music. They will be able to critically analyze the impact of technology on the production, distribution, and consumption of these products, as well as recognize the challenges and opportunities that arise within the constantly changing media landscape.
OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L4 - Animation, SFX, VFX, Digital Imaging and graphicsQuick View

OCR - J834 - Topic 1 - L4 - Animation, SFX, VFX, Digital Imaging and graphics

Lesson 4: Products in the Media Industry 2 (Animation, SFX, VFX, Digital Imaging and graphics) In this lesson on Products in the Media Industry 2, we will explore various aspects of animation, special effects (SFX), visual effects (VFX), digital imaging, and graphics. We will begin by introducing the concept of animation and its significance in the media industry. Animation involves creating a sequence of images or objects to give the illusion of motion. We will delve into different animation techniques, such as traditional hand-drawn animation, stop motion, and computer-generated animation. We will also discuss how animation is used in various media forms like films, television shows, video games, and advertisements. Moving on to SFX and VFX, we will examine how these techniques enhance the visual experience in the media industry. SFX refers to the creation of artificial or physical elements during the production process, while VFX involves the integration of computer-generated imagery with live-action footage. We will explore the use of SFX and VFX in creating realistic explosions, creatures, environments, and other visual elements, as well as their role in enhancing storytelling and capturing audience attention. Next, we will delve into digital imaging and its importance in the media industry. Digital imaging involves the manipulation and enhancement of images using computer software and technology. We will discuss the various techniques employed in digital imaging, including color correction, retouching, compositing, and photo manipulation. We will also explore how digital imaging plays a crucial role in creating visually striking content for print, web, and multimedia platforms. Lastly, we will touch upon the significance of graphics in the media industry. Graphics play a vital role in conveying information, enhancing visual appeal, and creating unique branding elements. We will learn about different types of graphics, such as logos, infographics, typography, and motion graphics. We will also discuss how graphics are used in advertising, marketing campaigns, motion pictures, and web design. Overall, this lesson will provide an overview of the diverse products in the media industry, including animation, SFX, VFX, digital imaging, and graphics. Through discussions and examples, we will gain a deeper understanding of how these elements contribute to the creation of compelling and visually engaging media content.
Website Design - Serif WebPlusQuick View

Website Design - Serif WebPlus

Introduction: This PowerPoint presentation is designed to help students follow step-by-step instructions on how to create a website. With 37 slides, it covers everything from the basics of websites, including their purpose and content, to more advanced topics such as wireframe visualizations, color schemes, and adding interactive elements like Google Maps. This resource is designed to be printed as booklets, making it easy for students to learn the skills needed to create their own website. The presentation includes a detailed scenario for the main task, where students will use a client brief to create their own website. Whether you are a beginner or looking to enhance your web design skills, this resource will be a valuable tool in your learning journey. Note: The aim of this resource is to promote self-directed learning among students by providing them with the tools to work independently at their own pace, with minimal teacher interaction. It has been designed to encourage students to take ownership of their learning and develop the skills needed to work autonomously. Structure: This resource is designed to cover a total of six lessons, with the first two lessons focused on practicing the basic skills needed to create a website. The next three lessons will be dedicated to the actual project, where students will use the client brief provided in the last slide of the PowerPoint to create their own website. Finally, in the sixth lesson, students will be assessed on their websites using the assessment sheet provided. With a clear structure and detailed guidance, this resource is a great tool for teachers and students alike, helping students build essential web design skills while working on a real-world project. Serif WebPlus: WebPlus is a website design software developed by Serif, a UK-based software company. It is an all-in-one solution for designing and publishing professional-looking websites, without requiring any prior coding knowledge. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, users can create websites with custom layouts, styles, and features, as well as add multimedia content such as images, videos, and social media feeds. WebPlus also offers a variety of templates and themes to help users get started quickly, as well as built-in SEO tools to optimize their sites for search engines. With its user-friendly approach, Serif WebPlus is a great choice for beginners and small businesses looking to create a web presence. Serif WebPlus is free to download. You can ask your School’s IT team to install this on your school PCs.
KS3 - Python L3 - Script Vs Interactive ModeQuick View

KS3 - Python L3 - Script Vs Interactive Mode

This is lesson 3 of the Chapter - Python (5 Lessons in total) Welcome to the third lesson of the five-lesson Python series, followed by an assessment. This lesson will focus on the Script Mode Vs Interactive mode of IDLE - Python, as well as teach students about input and output within Python. The lesson will begin with clear lesson objectives and vocabulary, followed by an engaging starter activity - a fun word search. Students are sure to be engaged and motivated while completing the word search, and we recommend printing out the word search slide/2nd slide beforehand and giving it to the students as a starter. The lesson will then proceed to a comparison between script mode and interactive mode, with examples to follow. By the end of this lesson, students will have a better understanding of how Python works, and be ready to apply their knowledge in the upcoming lessons and assessment. This resource consists of: 1x L3 - Python (Script mode) - input & output 1x L3 - Tasks - Script Mode (Python) 1x L3 - Tasks - Script Mode (Python)_Ans Task 1 to 7 are within the PowerPoint - Answers given
KS3 - Python L5 - For and While LoopsQuick View

KS3 - Python L5 - For and While Loops

Introduction: Welcome to the fifth and final lesson of the Python series, followed by an assessment. This lesson focuses on Loops - For and While Loops in Python. Loops are used to iterate through a collection of data or repeat a block of code until a specific condition is met. For loops are used to iterate over a sequence of values, such as a list or tuple, and execute a block of code for each value. While loops are used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a specific condition is true. Both for and while loops are fundamental concepts in programming and are widely used in many applications. This lesson will start with clear lesson objectives and vocabulary, followed by an engaging starter activity - a fun word search. Students will be sure to enjoy and be motivated by the word search, and we recommend printing out the word search slide/3rd slide beforehand and giving it to the students as a starter. By the end of this lesson, students will have a solid understanding of loops and be ready to apply their knowledge in the upcoming assessment. This Resource Consists of: 1x L5 - Python - For & While Loops - (PowerPoint - 13 Slides) Tasks are within the PowerPoint
KS3 - Python L4 - IF StatementsQuick View

KS3 - Python L4 - IF Statements

Introduction: Welcome to the fourth lesson of the five-lesson Python series, followed by an assessment. This lesson will focus on If Statements in Python, teaching students how to create conditional logic and execute specific blocks of code based on certain conditions. This fundamental concept in programming is used extensively in many applications, allowing us to control the flow of our program by executing different parts of code based on whether certain conditions are true or false. The lesson will begin with clear lesson objectives and vocabulary, followed by an engaging starter activity - a fun word search. Students are sure to be engaged and motivated while completing the word search, and we recommend printing out the word search slide/3rd slide beforehand and giving it to the students as a starter. By the end of this lesson, students will have a solid understanding of If Statements and be ready to apply their knowledge in the upcoming lessons and assessment. In this lesson you will find: 1x L4 - Python - If Statements - (PowerPoint - 16 Slides) Other tasksheets are within the PowerPoint
KS3 - Python L6 - AssessmentQuick View

KS3 - Python L6 - Assessment

Introduction: Welcome to the Python assessment! This assessment covers the content of the 5 lessons uploaded on my TES shop, which includes Basic statements in Python, Variables and Concatinations, Input & Output, If statements, and Loops including For and While loops. The assessment is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the Python concepts covered in the lessons. The assessment includes multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, and fill in the blanks questions, which will test your ability to apply the concepts learned in the lessons. The assessment will help you assess your understanding of Python and prepare you for further learning. This resource pack consists of: 1x - Python - Programming Python Assessment - (Editable Word Document) 1x - Python - Programming Python Assessment_Ans - (Editable Word Document)
E safety for KS3 Y7 & Y8 - Full UnitQuick View

E safety for KS3 Y7 & Y8 - Full Unit

When we are online you can easily share personal information with other people but you need to be careful. You need to watch out for spam emails and protect your private information. In this pack you will find four Lessons on esafety which would include: Lesson 1 - Personal Data Lesson 2 - Phishing Lesson 3 - The Internet Lesson 4 - Cyberbullying The pack also includes Activity Sheets and some videos for students to understand better.
KS3 - Python L2 - VariablesQuick View

KS3 - Python L2 - Variables

This is lesson 2 of the Chapter - Python (5 Lessons in total) In this lesson you will find: 1x L2 - Python - Variables & Concatination (PowerPoint) 1x L2 - Starter - Word Finder (Word Document) 1x L2 - Task 1 - 3 (Word Document) 1x L2 - Task 1 - 3_Answers (Word Document) 1x L2 - Seconds in a 30 day month (.py file) 1x L2 - Seconds in a year (.py file) 1x L2 - Extended Independent Task - to be printed (PDF) 1x L2 - Guided Reading (Last slide on the PowerPoint) Other tasksheets are within the PowerPoint
Impact of technology on the environmentQuick View

Impact of technology on the environment

In this lesson, Students will understand that modern technology has benefited human beings by increasing production of goods and services, reducing the amount of labour needed to produce these goods and services, and … This pack includes a starter, a powerpoint and lesson plan.
KS4 - Computationl Thinking - Logic Gates - L1Quick View

KS4 - Computationl Thinking - Logic Gates - L1

This is lesson 1 - Intro to Logic Gates of the Chapter - Computational Thinking (5 Lessons in total) In this lesson you will find: 1x L1 - Logic Gates - (Introduction) (PowerPoint) 1x L1 - Starter (Word Document) 1x L1 - Activity Task - Logic Gates All the other tasksheets are within the PowerPoint
KS3 - Programming - L1 - IntroductionQuick View

KS3 - Programming - L1 - Introduction

This is lesson 1 of the Chapter - Introduction to Programming In this lesson you will find: 1x Programming - L1 - Introduction (PowerPoint) All the worksheets are within the PowerPoint
KS3 - Python - L1 - IntroductionQuick View

KS3 - Python - L1 - Introduction

This is lesson 1 of the Chapter - Python (5 Lessons in total) In this lesson you will find: 1x Programming - L1 - Introduction (PowerPoint) 1x Starter (Word Document) All the other tasksheets are within the PowerPoint
Scheme of work for MicrobitsQuick View

Scheme of work for Microbits

This document includes, a full Scheme of work for microbits. Please check my other products for lesson plans and other resources. Thanks
Learning outside the classroom - PGCE AssignmentQuick View

Learning outside the classroom - PGCE Assignment

In this pack you will find a whole assignment on Learning outside the classroom - Does it improve motivation and engagement in pupils? Active inquiry and intervention Introduction: Review of Proposal Aims and objectives Pedagogy Learning styles used Description of methods used Data and findings Supporting Evidence and literature Outcome of inquiry and intervention & conclusion References I have also included a seperate folder which contains some pdf files regarding learning outside the classroom.
Python - If Statements + worksheet & answersQuick View

Python - If Statements + worksheet & answers

This pack includes a powerpoint Do Now Objective Main: Explaining what if statements are. Learning has been made easier for students as graphics has been added to the slides, in order to explain the theory better. Plenary There is an activity sheet in order to stretch the higher ability students.
Algorithms KS3 & Ks4 - Yr 7 to Year 10 - Full Unit - 5 LessonsQuick View

Algorithms KS3 & Ks4 - Yr 7 to Year 10 - Full Unit - 5 Lessons

In this Unit We will be covering Algorithms. This pack includes lessons on: Lesson 1 - Algorithms - Abstraction Lesson 2 - Algorithms - Decomposition Lesson 3 - Algorithms - Searches Lesson 4 - Algorithms - Sorts Lesson 5 - Algorithms - Flow Charts You will find lesson Activities in a Zip file alongside with the Markscheme.