PSHE board games covering 4 current topicsQuick View

PSHE board games covering 4 current topics

Four interactive board games which can be used for small groups of 5-10 students. Ideal for pshe lessons, tutor time and small focus groups and ice breakers. Suitable age groups Year 7-11 Topics: Black history, positive relationships, healthy eating and staying safe online. The questions are a mixture of scenarios and critical thinking, students will hear how others would resolve issues or engage with their general knowledge around the questions. The resources can be share on the interactive board or printed for each group onto card. You can also use an online dice depending on how big your group is.
Understanding the importance of resilienceQuick View

Understanding the importance of resilience

This is a great PSHE resource which includes videos, writing tasks and group discussions. The resource covers 7 lesson which is roughly 45- 50mins for each lesson The resources has been delivered in school which has allowed room for improvement and to track student engagement. Very easy resource to deliver and meets the objective of looking at different types of challenges that can impact someones ability to be resilient. The resource compares 3 different athletes, motivation speakers and activist which are current and relevant to the theme. Please always check that the videos are available and if not please find another one on You tube that will suit the theme and insert into the powerpoint.
PSHEQuick View


Power point displays for quick morning sessions or assemblies.