Matchstick sequencesQuick View

Matchstick sequences

Basic matchstick patterns for low ability set. Space to draw the next pattern in the sequence, then count the number of matches in each pattern and find the rule.
Maths vocabulary bookletsQuick View

Maths vocabulary booklets

1 A5 booklet for higher ability students and 1 A5 booklet for weaker students for each year group. The idea is that the students fill in definitions for the words as they cover each topic throughout the year. The last column is for the students to write out the word to practice their spelling.
Finding terms in a sequenceQuick View

Finding terms in a sequence

Finding the 10th term from the 1st term. We used this method for a lesson before doing the nth term. It's a bit of a clumsy method but putting it into a table like this helped them to see the pattern and the steps. Sheet includes negative and decimal terms and differences.
Outdoor measuring activityQuick View

Outdoor measuring activity

Students in groups of 4. Each group has tape measure, compass, string, calculator and task list. Some tasks can be done by just measuring, some can be done with Pythagoras, Trig, area/circumference formulae, some require units conversion. Students finish off with a scale diagram. Marks awarded for method and accuracy for each task. Winners get a prize. The football pitch is better to do than the netball court but I wasn't sure which would be available on the day, so did both
Properties of shapes - using symbols on shapesQuick View

Properties of shapes - using symbols on shapes

For very low ability year 8 class - using arrows to show parallel lines, squares to show right angles and dashes to show same length sides. First sheet has the notes and introductory questions for them to do; they should cut out the shapes on the second sheet (leave a margin around the shape when cutting out) and stick them into the correct spaces on sheets 3 and 4; then add the appropriate marks to each shape.
Intro to Geogebra - drawing graphsQuick View

Intro to Geogebra - drawing graphs

This worksheet is for a year 8 class to work through on the computer - using Geogebra for the first time. Only basic functions of Geogebra are used (plotting equation, adding sliders, finding intersections) while they explore the shapes of graphs.