Activities for registration, form time, tutor timeQuick View

Activities for registration, form time, tutor time

I took over a year 11 form part way through year and they kept mentioning the way things had been done before. I thought a complete change and something to keep them occupied might help. It isnt compulsory but after one week I was asked today (Monday) what day it was, it took me a while to realise what they meant but I was amazed when it was Motivational Monday they meant. I am intending to use this as evidence for Q2 of my GTP.
AQA GCSE Business Studies Key TermsQuick View

AQA GCSE Business Studies Key Terms

I have taken these key terms from Surridge and Gillespie for a display. They are just Unit 1 and to be honest I dont like them but was asked to do it and thought others may find them useful.
Lesson Plan 1, Video and Interactive SlidesQuick View

Lesson Plan 1, Video and Interactive Slides

The black hole drag and drop game at the beginning has 5 pictures related to a story and 5 not, they go into the black hole. The story is the restructure of the NHS. A little different from the SOW it is attached to as I changed it following the lessons being messed up by exams. As trainee teacher ALL types of feedback welcome.
AQA Business SOW for BUSS 2 People In BusinessQuick View

AQA Business SOW for BUSS 2 People In Business

I am currently doing ITT and would really like any feedback more experienced teachers have. I have utilised many resources from TES, Tutor 2 U, youtube and should anyone wish for me to remove them or credit them directly I will be more than happy to. I will follow this with more lesson plans, slides and individual resources for each week.