Prepare For Employment worksheetsQuick View

Prepare For Employment worksheets

Three resources suitable for beginners or ASN. There are a set of questions to practise with for a very basic interview which could be conducted between peers. There is a very simple CV template for beginners with helpful symbols. Finally, there is a pretend job application form. This unit of work could be extended using your school guidance/PSHE/careers resources including researching suitable jobs, researching likely interview questions for your chosen profession or field.
planning for an expeditionQuick View

planning for an expedition

Resource for ASN pupils planning what to pack for a walk or expedition. Past tense statements about events that happened on the walk. Future planning for “what I will bring” in my rucksack. Suitable for a class planning a walk or expedition involving the use of a tent and a stove. e.g. a safe demonstration by a suitable adult.
National 1 Recognising Signs In The CommunityQuick View

National 1 Recognising Signs In The Community

I think this could be helpful for ASN. This course comes under the National 1 subject heading: Communication. Recognising Signs in the Community, this could be achieved through a regular walk/ daily mile and some of these activities can be slotted into Personal Social Development, Health and Wellbeing and where it is relevant the health and safety signs can be fitted into Cooking Life skills and shopping times. The pupil must recognise two signs and what they mean as well as understand two health and safety signs. I’ve made some bingo cards and I tried to upload a ppt containing the same images however this was too large. Activities: You can print out the bingo cards and use the sign to match on a daily mile/walk with signs you find in your town/local area. Use the printed signs to teach your pupils to match makaton signs or have the pupils engage in matching the pictures from the powerpoint with the pictures on their bingo cards or request them to point to the correct sign when you describe the sign orally. I hope this overview of Signs may be helpful to you. I have also uploaded a large document with overviews of long term planning for music, PE, maths, drama, Going Shopping/Food & Health and Wellbeing. I have also planned some National 2 units of work which may also be of interest to you for your planning.
script for Rumpelstiltskin assemblyQuick View

script for Rumpelstiltskin assembly

This is a basic script including the story of Rumpelstiltskin. Suitable for Year One especially if your class focuses on fairy tales. You can adapt it, perhaps give different children the role of narrator. There is a rap, so you do not have to learn any complicated pop songs. There are examples of maths learnt as well as english.