Mathematics of Cell MagnificationQuick View

Mathematics of Cell Magnification

A resource to investigate the mathematics skills needed for calculating magnification of cells and objects. Also covers the idea of a formula. Engaging context and has a card sort for kinesthetic activities. If used please send me feedback.
GCSE Core Science - Biology: Microbes and Disease - Lesson 7 - Defences inside the body.Quick View

GCSE Core Science - Biology: Microbes and Disease - Lesson 7 - Defences inside the body.

GCSE Core Science - Biology: Microbes and Disease - Lesson 3 - Defences inside the body. This lessons covers the role of white cells. The outcomes and resources are differentiated and pitched at GCSE students targeting a 'C' grade at the end of their course. This lesson covers the three ways white cells fight infection, supported by video links and this can be completed through an extended writing task - supported by a key words' Wordle. If you have any suggestions to improve this resource please let me know. The Battling Bacteria resource is my own creation.
Science of Solids, Liquids and Gases VI -  TheoryQuick View

Science of Solids, Liquids and Gases VI - Theory

L4 to L6 exploration of different models of the particle theory. Requires students to do some extended descriptions and to evaluate three different diagrammatic models. Finishes with an evaluation of six substances that are challenging to classify - these may also be given to students to add a practical/kinesthetic aspect. There is also link to SOLO taxonomy to help with the progression mapping. As always provide feedback and you can follow me @boostprogress
Science of Valid Investigations 1 - Caffeine PopQuick View

Science of Valid Investigations 1 - Caffeine Pop

Basically a take on the caffeine practical getting pupils to drink water, decaffeinated or caffeinated cola and then test reaction times online. You could alternatively use the ruler drop or compare with ruler for precision work.Students plan and then implement, then review and improve their plans. Great fun and there is a diamond 9 card sort activity to identify the key control variables. The drinking of water also helps to introduce control tests properly. Can be tailored to cover from L3 to L8 easily.You can also follow me on twitter @boostprogress
Graphology of Independent VariablesQuick View

Graphology of Independent Variables

A great lesson for L4 - L7 or GCSE students in mathematics of science. The practical component can be done outside of a lab as well, as long as water is available. The focus is to explore types of independent variables and link them to appropriate graphing techniques. There are lots of opportunities to take the lesson in your own bespoke direction and I will shortly add a few more resources. If you are a mathematician then seek a scientist to get you started on this great cross-curricular opportunity! Of course any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. You can follow me @boostprogress
Mathematics of Perimeter I (Rectangles)Quick View

Mathematics of Perimeter I (Rectangles)

A L4 resource which goes with the Mathematics of Area resource. Good kinesthetic basis with lollipop sticks, ideal for the disengaged pupils. There is a link to a Maths Watch video and good differentiation throughout. Lacks te rich questioning but a sound basis for starting of the topic with L4 and L5 pupils. There is ample scope for enlarging the kinesthetic task and making it more problem based, less teacher-led. Follow me on twitter for updates on latest resources:
Biology of Extracting DNA from Kiwi FruitQuick View

Biology of Extracting DNA from Kiwi Fruit

All the PPT's and resources for this fantastic practical lesson. Allows students to obtain the fine DNA threads from kiwi using mostly safe and available chemicals. Adds richness and interest to the theory-heavy content of the genetics units in KS3 and KS4. Tried and tested so I know it works. Please also ensure you do your own risk assessment. As always follow @boostprogress and @CE4ET.
A2 Biology - Inheritance - 4. Dihybrid and EpistasisQuick View

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 4. Dihybrid and Epistasis

This is the fourth lesson on the GCE A-level Biology series on 'Inheritance' and as the title suggested covers Dihybrid and Epistatic crosses. Tasks are differentiated at A, C and E standards. All the familiar examples are covered including Mendelian pea characteristics and coat colour. If there are suggestions or amendments to improve this resource then please let me know.
Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - REVIEWQuick View

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - REVIEW

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - REVIEW One of five high quality packs providing teachers with a wide range of strategies to check the learning of their students and evidence progress in the lesson. This pack focuses on REVIEW checkers using more reflective and metacognitive strategies. If you can enhance or add to this whole-school resource then please let me know.
A2 Biology - Inheritance - 5 - Sex LinkageQuick View

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 5 - Sex Linkage

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 5 - Sex Linkage This is the fifth lesson on the GCE A-level Biology series on 'Inheritance' and as the title suggested covers Sex Linkage crosses. Tasks are differentiated at A, C and E standards. All the familiar examples are covered including Mendelian pea characteristics and coat colour. If there are suggestions or amendments to improve this resource then please let me know.
Bloom's Success CriteriaQuick View

Bloom's Success Criteria

Use this resource to set 'I can.....' success criteria for students which match Bloom's heirarchy and traditional measures of attainment. In addition within the lesson use them to increase or build the cognitive challenge of subjsequent or differentiated tasks. I will soon post a few examples to help achieve this measure of outstanding lessons. Follow me on twitter for updates on latest resources:
GCSE Resistant Materials revision mapsQuick View

GCSE Resistant Materials revision maps

These four pages of excellent revision materials have been produced with the help of an A* student and focused on key aspects of the GCSE Resistant Material specification. There are four pages in all and they really helped my students with their revision for the examinations. The resources were mainly for AQA specification but cover many features from other specifications.
GCSE Core Science - Biology: Microbes and Disease - Lesson 3 - Investigating MicrobesQuick View

GCSE Core Science - Biology: Microbes and Disease - Lesson 3 - Investigating Microbes

GCSE Core Science - Biology: Microbes and Disease - Lesson 3 - Investigating Microbes This lessons covers everything you need for doing the traditional practical culturing bacteria on agar plates and testing them resistance. The outcomes and resources are differentiated and pitched at GCSE students targeting a 'C' grade at the end of their course. Lots of great images and progress checkers. If you have any suggestions to improve this resource please let me know
Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - ACTIVATEQuick View

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - ACTIVATE

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - ACTIVATE One of five high quality packs providing teachers with a wide range of strategies to check the learning of their students and evidence progress in the lesson. This pack focuses on ACTIVE checkers using kinaesthetic/physical approaches. If you can enhance or add to this whole-school resource then please let me know.
A2 Biology - Inheritance - 2 - Monohybrid Inheritance.Quick View

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 2 - Monohybrid Inheritance.

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 2 - Monohybrid Inheritance. This is the second lesson on the GCE A-level Biology series on 'Inheritance' and as the title suggested covers a monohybrid inheritance using familiar examples. Tasks are differentiated at A, C and E standards. All the familiar examples are covered including Mendelian pea characteristics and coat colour. If there are suggestions or amendments to improve this resource then please let me know.
Homeostasis - Nervous and Hormonal systemsQuick View

Homeostasis - Nervous and Hormonal systems

This resource captures all the key knowledge for learners between 11 - 16 years of age. There are charts for students to complete and charts for teachers to complete for peer-assessment. There are plenty of links to further research and a range of contextual exercises for students. All images used were from creative commons
Metacognition Questioning ToolQuick View

Metacognition Questioning Tool

This superb resource is a combination of research published around Bloom's, SOLO Taxonomy and Metacognition. It was inspired by the Sutton Trust report into factors affecting student's learning and the awareness that metacognition and reflective learning was a key driver. Students and teachers can use the tool to look at all stages of students thinking, most advantageously when looking at the different stages in projects and during problem-solving tasks. This is the only successful metacognition resource available and it has been tried and tested. As always please leave feedback and make any suggestions for improvement. Regards, Boostprogress (Twitter follow @boostprogress)
A2 Biology - Inheritance - 3 - CodominanceQuick View

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 3 - Codominance

A2 Biology - Inheritance - 3 - Codominance This is the second lesson on the GCE A-level Biology series on 'Inheritance' and as the title suggested covers codominance using familiar examples. Tasks are differentiated at A, C and E standards. All the familiar examples are covered including Mendelian pea characteristics and coat colour. If there are suggestions or amendments to improve this resource then please let me know.
Science of Acids and Alkalis - L4+Quick View

Science of Acids and Alkalis - L4+

A series of PPTs that support an introduction to acids and alkalies for KS3. There are a couple of well described practicals testing pH of solutions, simple neutralization and the indigestion tablet practical. There is also a short assessment to finish off the topic at L4+ and L5+. All objectives leveled and linked to SOLO taxonomy. As always follow @boostprogress or @CE4ET and leave feedback.
Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - PUBLISHQuick View

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - PUBLISH

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - PUBLISH One of five high quality packs providing teachers with a wide range of strategies to check the learning of their students and evidence progress in the lesson. This pack focuses on PUBLISH checkers using different approaches for students to showcase and publish their thinking. If you can enhance or add to this whole-school resource then please let me know.
Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - COMMUNICATEQuick View

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - COMMUNICATE

Assessment for Learning - AfL Checking Tool - COMMUNICATE One of five high quality packs providing teachers with a wide range of strategies to check the learning of their students and evidence progress in the lesson. This pack focuses on COMMUNICATE with interactive approaches for developing communication skills individually and within groups. If you can enhance or add to this whole-school resource then please let me know.