Newspaper reports- Ancient Egypt- Imitation phaseQuick View

Newspaper reports- Ancient Egypt- Imitation phase

Based on Pie Corbett’s talk for writing, the imitation phase of a Year 4 unit on newspaper reports. Linked to Ancient Egypt and based on the death of King Tut. Develops into a unit writing a report about the discovery of King Tut’s tomb.
Year 6 Reading- SATs preparationQuick View

Year 6 Reading- SATs preparation

We have worked as a team to create some resources to prepare children for the Year 6 SATs. There is planning and test like questions, which follow the new content domains and question stems from the new curriculum tests. The texts used are all from Level 6 papers.
Dilemma stories using wide range of stimulusQuick View

Dilemma stories using wide range of stimulus

Starting with the classic book The Fib and other stories and moving into visual literacy- The dragon Slayer and ending with a story written in first person about being dared to enter a house. 3 weeks planning and resources
Reading Assessment Grids KS2 New curriculumQuick View

Reading Assessment Grids KS2 New curriculum

I've created these grids linked to the content domains and new style language of the new curriculum. Guided reading activities can be linked to the objectives and evidence collated about whether a child is emerging, met or exceeding. The book bands at the top are really important as a lot of the objectives are similar but only achievable with the appropriate age book.
Guided reading Year 5/6 World War 2 diary entriesQuick View

Guided reading Year 5/6 World War 2 diary entries

Planning, resources, texts and activities about the declaration of World War 2. Questions and activities linked to the content domains. 2 different texts that can also be used to improve children's sentence structure in line with the ITAFs in Year 6.
Stories from other cultures Talk 4 WriitngQuick View

Stories from other cultures Talk 4 Wriitng

A unit based around Native America and importance of oral story telling. Using Pie Corbett's Talk 4 Writing technique this is the imitation phase where the children learn a text orally, story map the text and pick apart the text to create a writer&'s tool kit. Also, the unit starts with a cold task- a chance to find out what the children already know and decide what you&';ll need to teach. The tool kit must be made with the class- I've added what we created as a class as starting point.
Suspense Writing - 3 weeks planning and resources Year 4Quick View

Suspense Writing - 3 weeks planning and resources Year 4

3 weeks planning and resources based on the principles I’ve saying the text before writing it. There isn’t a text to learn by heart but extracts to use. (See my whole class reading planning that goes alongside this writing unit). Linked to the Titanium music video as a stimulus and for sentence level work. Any questions feel free to ask!
4 persuasive texts with flip charts and resources for 4 weeks KS2Quick View

4 persuasive texts with flip charts and resources for 4 weeks KS2

Four different types of persuasive texts each with it’s own Flipchart (to teach each lesson from) and mini assessments/ activities to go along side each text I have written. There is an advert for Manchester and Florida, a persuasive leaflet about child poverty and and advert for an Anti-bullying watch. All questions are linked to the content domains and use the language of the KS2 tests. Would be suitable for Years 4-6 depending on their ability. I used the flip chart and taught each skill and then allowed the children to answer the questions either in their books/ on white boards or orally depending on how long I had for each lesson. The children seemed to really enjoy the texts and had a greater understanding of persuasive texts.
Whole class Reading- suspense stories plus flipcharts and linked activitiesQuick View

Whole class Reading- suspense stories plus flipcharts and linked activities

Here are two suspense stories that I have written to help teach children how to answer questions in the different content domains. All the activities are directly linked to one or two specific content domains. The flipcharts are to teach the skill and the activites for the children to practise the skill. This is about 3 weeks worth of planning and resources. It’s aimed at Year 4 but could be adapted to be used throughout KS2. This could be linked directly to your assessment of the different content domains for children.
Pre/post learning assessment with toolkit Year 4 FractionsQuick View

Pre/post learning assessment with toolkit Year 4 Fractions

This is a pre and post learning assessment I have used to find out what children already know and to show what children have learned over the course of the 3-4 week block of work. The toolkit states all the objectives from the assessment. Average/above ability and those children that are below average have a separate assessment.
World Cup activities linked to KS2 Geography objectivesQuick View

World Cup activities linked to KS2 Geography objectives

Three different activities: each activity would be more than 1 lesson long for younger children, but each may last for an hour with Year 6 children. Focuses on key areas from the Geography curriculum. All activities are research based so would require laptops/ Ipads to complete. Focuses on the countries that will be taking part in the World Cup: locating the countries, capital cities, facts about the physical geography, matching flags to countries. Two activities come with answer sheets, the 3rd activity is open ended therefore the answers would have be checked (perhaps cross checked with another pupil who has chosen the same country). National curriculum coverage is included.
Pre/post assessment + toolkits Division Year 4Quick View

Pre/post assessment + toolkits Division Year 4

Pre and post assessment for division unit from the Year 4 curriculum. The toolkit is matched to the assessments and there is also a SEND assessment (they do the pre at the end as their post assessment to show progress). Great way to show each groups starting points and the progress they have made over the unit.
Model Texts- Romeo and Juliet Year 6 Writing Quick View

Model Texts- Romeo and Juliet Year 6 Writing

Examples of a diary entry and a newspaper report based on Romeo and Juliet. Used to exemplify the expected standard and elements of greater depth for KS2. I used these to help children improve Alex's work from the exemplification materials. We turned the writing into at least 'met' for Year 6 to show editing skills. Also an activity about how to write an orientation- several different ones and children choose the best and justify their answer.