Geography GCSE AQA  paper 1 2018 feedbackQuick View

Geography GCSE AQA paper 1 2018 feedback

Feedback lesson designed to last 2 hours. Covers the following… Section A - all questions Section B - all questions but 9 marker is hot deserts Section C - covers coasts and rivers NOT glaciers Example answers, tasks where students annotate model answers, mark example answers, re-attempt questions with structure given, recall of topic areas. Feedback sheet for paper also included. References pages in purple revision guide but could be edited.
Rivers and Flooding Full SoWQuick View

Rivers and Flooding Full SoW

This is a full scheme of work designed for year 9 KS3 Rivers and Flooding. 21 55minute lessons plus assessment, mark scheme and all other resources included. Every lesson has a starter activity based around recall/reading. All learning outcomes and future learning is signposted. SoW designed to bridge into GCSE. How does water move through a drainage basin? How do rocks break down? What are the processes of fluvial erosion? How does the long and cross profile of a river change downstream? How does erosion change the landcape in the upper course? How are waterfalls created? How do rivers transport and deposit material? What landforms are created in a rivers middle course? What landforms are created in a rivers lower course? What are the features of the river Tees? Mid-point assessment What causes flooding? What is a hydrograph and what does it show? What happened here? (Boscastle mystery lesson) Are floods devastating natural events? How can we reduce the risk of flooding? (Hard engineering) How can we reduce the risk of flooding more sustainably? (soft engineering) How is flooding of the river Tees being managed? Should the Margaretting flood protection strategy in Chelmsford go ahead? (DME lesson) Revision Assessment
River flood management DMEQuick View

River flood management DME

This DME lesson is planned as the final lesson in a rivers and flooding SOW for year 9 (55mins long) but easily adapted for other year groups. It includes a starter, main and plenary and all resources are included on the powerpoint. The lesson focuses around whether the proposed flood protection scheme in Chelmsford should go ahead. Considering reasons why the protection method is needed and considering the opinons of 6 stakeholders. Information was sourced from the GA and EA and used as a basis for the DME lesson. The main task is intended to be a carousel activity but could be adapted.