UKS2 and LKS2 Place Value ChartsQuick View

UKS2 and LKS2 Place Value Charts

Lower and Upper Key Stage Two charts which has place value counters to show the visual amount as well as the place value title to aid children with their understanding. There is also a descriptor above explaining that as you move to the left, place value increases. I laminated these and use them in place of whiteboards, has really helped all with their understanding.
Persuasive argument ks2 - animal rightsQuick View

Persuasive argument ks2 - animal rights

This resource was created for a Year 5 class to teach them the persuasive features needed to write a persuasive letter. The pack includes: a research lesson (with research, hot-seating) in a talk for writing style a planning lesson with planning frames to scaffold differentiated two ways but also easily adapted a writing lesson with a scaffold to follow for SEN, a word bank of persuasive features, wagoll and success criteria.
Five Pillars of Islam: full series of lessons KS2Quick View

Five Pillars of Islam: full series of lessons KS2

This lesson pack focuses on the 5 pillars of Islam (SACRE). The pack contains detailed SMART notebook, with success criteria, word bank and teacher instruction included. There are also SMART Lab resources to engage and assess. Resources are differentiated with support visual word banks, extension tasks, sentence starters and enrichment art activities. A short term plan has also been included for teachers. Originally designed for Year 4 but can be easily adapted to suit your year group.
Hinduism full lesson packQuick View

Hinduism full lesson pack

This lesson pack looks at the Trimurti of Gods in Hinduism; Divali and Rangoli patterns through cross curricular art as well as discussing and looking at artifacts which can be found on a Hindu Shrine. The lesson pack includes a short term plan detailing each lesson, differentiated resources which cater for SEN, struggling learners and confident learners. There are mutliple interactive elements, SMART lab activities to assess and engage and the SMART includes detailed direction for teachers. Key questioning is included in all slides.