Market SegmentationQuick View

Market Segmentation

Excellent starter activity that can take up to 20 minutes. Main lesson activity using a worksheet. Mini plenary case study.
Price Elasticity of DemandQuick View

Price Elasticity of Demand

Once the students have been introduced to PED this worksheet works well to take them the through the steps of calculating PED and how to work out PED using different variables. The other great thing one is self marking!
Types of Company ownershipQuick View

Types of Company ownership

Local map of the town with local businesses. Student have to decide on the type of organization structure. Can be used to start a class discussion or as an activity.
Market Research GCSE LessonQuick View

Market Research GCSE Lesson

Observed by the Headmaster with this one and he liked it! Good ranking and justification exercise. Simple but effective starter.
Pricing Strategies- GCSE, AS Business StudiesQuick View

Pricing Strategies- GCSE, AS Business Studies

*A worksheet to start the lesson where students need to link up the relevant key terms and definitions. Activity 1: Students are shown 3 minutes clip. They can then complete the worksheet with their own ideas and justification. Activity 2: Students given different scenarios, they have to adapt their answers and justify. Activity 3: Scenarios given to the students, they have to decide on appropriate strategies (good plenary activity)
Stakeholder Conflict- Exam Technique and ApplicationQuick View

Stakeholder Conflict- Exam Technique and Application

A topic A2 students often find difficult. A case study list worksheet to help students find suitable application linked with the Ed Excel Spec (cases taken from I A-level). Researching respective cases could be an activity in itself and be done over a number of weeks. Structure sheet to help students build a 20 mark answer using application sheet.
Stakeholder ConflictQuick View

Stakeholder Conflict

A worksheet that enables students to compares the objectives of each stakeholder group and how they might conflict.
Workforce planning/ downsizing the workforceQuick View

Workforce planning/ downsizing the workforce

Workforce planning lesson. Suitable for GCSE Business Studies and A-level. Starter activity- distinction between dismissal and redundancy Main activity- mini case studies and group work with worksheets to guide students through assessing the current workforce and adapting it to the changing market place their groups business operates within. Plenary- 6 mark exam question that covers the material covered in class. Students need to highlight where they have applied their answers in the case study for teachers to quickly assess answers at a glance on circulation of classroom.
Evaluating Resource/ ActivityQuick View

Evaluating Resource/ Activity

Students often find it difficult to evaluate. I have put together a quick activity to help them think of how to evaluate using a different scenario compared to what they might normally see in an exam. However (see my evaluation there) the same skills will be required to achieve the higher marks available. I have done one for Bangkok, London and anywhere! You can adapt these again to your local area.
Franchise Main lesson activityQuick View

Franchise Main lesson activity

Document is called a starter, however it is a lesson activity that will take up longer than a normal starter activity. Simple and easy for all abilities to be involved.
Ed Excel Unit 2 Exam QuestionTrackerQuick View

Ed Excel Unit 2 Exam QuestionTracker

I have gone through every Ed Excel paper from 2010- 2014 (the old spec) and listed the questions asked and the marks available. Excellent for quick referencing of past questions. Saves time if looking for past questions for revision or if you are trend spot you might be able to spot certain questions occurring more than others!
Finance starterQuick View

Finance starter

Students have to decide on the appropriate finance for a business and be able to justify it.