Spot the mistakeQuick View

Spot the mistake

Lower KS2 addition and subtraction column method. Can the children spot where the mistakes are and then fix them?
Column addition and subtractionQuick View

Column addition and subtraction

Lower KS2 column addition and subtraction. Missing numbers, worded problems and an open ended question for a challenge. Answer sheet provided for a quick mark.
Converting fractions and decimalsQuick View

Converting fractions and decimals

Lower KS2 resource on converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. Mixed ability work sheets. Answer sheet provided for a quick mark :) Hope you find it useful :)
Mental addition and subtractionQuick View

Mental addition and subtraction

Lower KS2 resource. The children get to choose which question they want to mentally solve e.g. 1,2 or 3. If they are correct, they get to move their counter on the Snakes and Ladders board by that amount. E.g. chooses question 2 then gets it right, they move two spaces. The resource is designed to only have to be prepared once. Cut out and fold long the black line then laminate for a long lasting resource.
Addition and subtraction- Rounding numbers to estimate answersQuick View

Addition and subtraction- Rounding numbers to estimate answers

Lower KS2 resource. Addition and subtraction. Rounding game. The children must round the calculations to the nearest significant number to estimate the answer. If they are correct, they get to move their counter on the Snakes and Ladders board. The resource is designed to only have to be prepared once. Cut out and fold along the black line then laminate for a long lasting resource.
Decimals: Multiplying and dividingQuick View

Decimals: Multiplying and dividing

Lower KS2 multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. A fun activity for the children is to selected the letters that spell their name, much better than getting them to complete each question! Worded problems included for an extra challenge. Answer sheet provided.