VOLVER - A Level - Introduction (Pedro Almodovar, obsessions, his films, title)Quick View

VOLVER - A Level - Introduction (Pedro Almodovar, obsessions, his films, title)

This resource for A Level students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie VOLVER. This presentation usually lasts about 2 hours. Includes: About Pedro Almodóvar A video clip about his obsessions Castilla La Mancha A paragraph to translate (about the director’s influences) It also includes worksheets taken from the Getting to know Volver 2nd Edition book.
VOLVER - A Level - La muerteQuick View

VOLVER - A Level - La muerte

This resource for A Level students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie VOLVER. This presentation usually lasts about 1 hour. Includes: Key words linked to death in Spanish Analysis of the first scene Life and death in Castilla La Mancha (a clip) A paragraph to translate (about death taken from the Getting to know Volver 2nd Edition book.) An essay on death with key points to include
VOLVER - A Level - Planos cinematográficosQuick View

VOLVER - A Level - Planos cinematográficos

This resource for A Level students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie VOLVER. This presentation usually lasts about 1 hour. Includes: The use of colour How Almodóvar plays with reflections The type of shots The type of camera angles
Game to revise the topic ENVIRONMENT (El medio ambiente)Quick View

Game to revise the topic ENVIRONMENT (El medio ambiente)

This is a great educational game to play in pairs or with the whole table. It really helps pupils to revise vocabulary on the environment taken from AQA (Foundation). Very easy to play… If they land on a blue box they have to translate into English, orange box translate into orange, green box they have to finish the sentence and yellow box they have to make a list of 3 things made out of whatever material they land on. If they land on the recycling symbol they get to throw the dice again. A great way to get students to enjoy the topic! The game is not on PDF format so it can be easily adapted.


Collection of classroom activities to develop speaking skills, in particular aimed at the second part of the speaking exam (Photo card) and spontaneity for the third part (general conversation). It includes questions you will need for the last slide.
MOVIE REVIEW for 'Instructions Not Included' in SPANISHQuick View

MOVIE REVIEW for 'Instructions Not Included' in SPANISH

This resource for Spanish students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie Instructions Not Included (No se aceptan devoluciones). It allows students to learn cinematic vocabulary, in order to write a review after watching the movie. A review is included as scaffolding for weaker students.
Spanish Game + Presentation to revise DAILY ROUTINE and TIMEQuick View

Spanish Game + Presentation to revise DAILY ROUTINE and TIME

This is a great game to play in pairs or with the whole table. It really helps pupils to revise daily routines such as ‘me levanto’, ‘me despierto’, ‘me peino’… The game also includes times! The game is not in PDF format which means it can be easily adapted. I have also included the presentation I would use with the game.
Game to revise DIRECTIONS in Spanish + PLACES in town (Presentation included)Quick View

Game to revise DIRECTIONS in Spanish + PLACES in town (Presentation included)

This is a great game to play in pairs. It really helps pupils to revise directions and places in town found in MIRA 3 (Verde). Places in town include: La tienda de ropa La farmacia La tienda de recuerdos El quiosco La confitería La carnicería El supermercado La joyería It includes a presentation to show students before, and also cards to use for the game.
VOLVER - A Level - Synopsis (Synopsis, characters, colours)Quick View

VOLVER - A Level - Synopsis (Synopsis, characters, colours)

This resource for A Level students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie VOLVER. This presentation usually lasts about 2 hours. Includes: Synopsis Adjectives to describe the characters The importance of colours in the movie An essay to give to students with key points they can include It also includes one worksheet taken from the Getting to know Volver 2nd Edition book.
Fun FRENCH Snakes and ladders to revise ADJECTIVES (Expo1 - Je me présente)Quick View

Fun FRENCH Snakes and ladders to revise ADJECTIVES (Expo1 - Je me présente)

This is a great FRENCH game to play in pairs or with the whole table. Perfect as it reinforces adjectives describing character. Follows on from Expo 1 (Je me présente). Useful game for Year 7 students to practice masc/fem adjectives. actif/active bavard/bavarde gourmand/gourmande grand/grande marrant/marrante paresseux/paresseuse sportif/sportive sympa timide The file is not in PDF format so it can be easily adapted.
Spanish GAME to revise MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS + conjugation of verb 'to play'Quick View

Spanish GAME to revise MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS + conjugation of verb 'to play'

This is a great game to play in pairs or with the whole table. It really helps pupils to revise musical instruments while conjugating the verb ‘to play’. All students should aim to say phrases like = Ella toca el violín (if they land on the violin and the colour is red) But some students should extend this by saying = Ella toca el violín EN SU CASA It all depends on the range of abilities you have in the classroom. The game is not in PDF format which means it can be easily adapted.
VOLVER - A Level - Las mujeresQuick View

VOLVER - A Level - Las mujeres

This resource for A Level students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie VOLVER. This presentation usually lasts about 1 hour. Includes: Women in Volver Physical contact in Spain A clip The role of women An essay on the maternal figure in Volver
VOLVER - A Level - Las mentiras y los secretosQuick View

VOLVER - A Level - Las mentiras y los secretos

This resource for A Level students enables learners to explore an introduction to the movie VOLVER. This presentation usually lasts about 1 hour. Includes: The secrets in the movie An essay on justice or justice?
FRENCH Game to revise DANS MA CHAMBRE, IL Y A...Quick View

FRENCH Game to revise DANS MA CHAMBRE, IL Y A...

This is a great game to play in pairs or with the whole table. It really helps pupils to revise the topic of ‘Dans ma chambre’. They also love it. Students are able to practice furniture vocabulary PLUS il y a’+ il n’y a pas depending on which box they land on. The file is not in PDF format so it can be adapted easily.