Continuous Provision ideas for mathematicsQuick View

Continuous Provision ideas for mathematics

Can you make a snake and use cubes to see how long it is? Can you order the teddies from the shortest to the tallest? These continuous provision ideas link to different areas throughout the mathematics curriculum. The posters could be displayed on tuff trays/tables to encourage children to access the activity or to help other staff to understand the learning intention.
Sonic the Hedgehog Literacy High Ability - Year 2/3Quick View

Sonic the Hedgehog Literacy High Ability - Year 2/3

This resource was used in a Year 2 Literacy lesson. During the teaching input, the children were encouraged to discuss/share their knowledge and ideas about Sonic (after watching a short video clip from the film). The next objective was to complete Sonic themed worksheets, differentiated to three levels. This worksheet was aimed at the HA and also to challenge the MA.