Story Opening ppt and activitiesQuick View

Story Opening ppt and activities

a story opening lesson with an opening starter activity, matching famous story opening to the types of opening used. There is also a ppt for story openings main teaching and support sheets for HA / MA and LA when writing their own story opening.
Myth Story opening framework sheetQuick View

Myth Story opening framework sheet

This is a 2 page sheet that will support all children in writing their myth opening. It is very visual and bright to support visual learners. It encourages the children to think about adjectives and adverbs relating to the hero, where the hero comes from and the quest that they are set. The Myth cards are designed to support the children both completing their framework and when writing their myth. It includes key vocabulary under a variety of headings: hero monster adverbs adjectives verbs locations
Quest Myths vocabulary cardsQuick View

Quest Myths vocabulary cards

A4 sheet with mythological vocab on an authentic and inspiring background, split up into sections: -Hero -Monster -Locations - Verbs - Adjectives - Adverbs Designed to support my class while they writing their own Quest myth
Times tables differentiated starter activity cardQuick View

Times tables differentiated starter activity card

this ppt has a set of times tables cards which can be printed and laminated back to back. The children work in pairs with one seeing the questions and the other sees the answers. They have a period of time to work through the times tables and see how many they get through, and how many they get right. differentiated 3 ways 2x, 5x and 10x tables 3x, 4x and 6x tables 7x, 8x and 9x tables Number bonds to 20
Rounding Activity - Fantastic FairgroudQuick View

Rounding Activity - Fantastic Fairgroud

This is an activity used to reinforce the learning of rounding based on the fantastic fairground. it involves setting up a 'fairground&' in the class and solving a problem at each stall to try to find some key information. the class i designed this for loved it and the HA children then supported the LA when they had completed it themselves.