DiscusQuick View


A PowerPoint explaining how to teach a discus lesson. It covers safety, set-up, correct grip, handling and familiarisation, preparation, execution, the discus spin and common errors. A handout for students to use with their partners to ensure safety, the preparation phase, the execution phase and the follow-through phase.
Where PE can take meQuick View

Where PE can take me

This is a PowerPoint used to design and create a visual display for what pathways PE can take you on. There are multiple job titles with images to get students engaged and wanting to know more about a career within the sporting industry.
Levers in biomechanicsQuick View

Levers in biomechanics

This resource allows students to recall the first-class, second-class and third-class levers in the body, as well as being able to show what it looks like on a sporting example. This is good for new learning as well as recapping levers. This was primarily produced for A-level PE using the OCR specification.
Newton's Laws of MotionQuick View

Newton's Laws of Motion

Here is a revision resource to help students revise the three laws of motion with a description and sporting example for each one. It includes Newton’s 1st Law of Inertia, 2nd Law of Acceleration and 3rd Law of Action / Reaction.