A2 French revision all topics booklet Quick View

A2 French revision all topics booklet

A booklet made up of resources found on tes (many thanks to contributors, in particular roozle, maryjane benett) and my own on all topics (Environnement, Societe multicuturelle, Problemes sociaux contemporains et Science). Once again many thanks to other contributors for sharing their resources and making this one possible! I hope it is helpful to you and your students.
Year 2 French A-Level revision guideQuick View

Year 2 French A-Level revision guide

This is a revision guide aimed to Y13 students preparing the New A-Level. It covers all the Year 2 topics with different activities. The resources are my own but I have also borrowed ideas from textbooks and other authors. I hope that this is useful to you and your students.
French A-Level Year 1 Knowledge portfolioQuick View

French A-Level Year 1 Knowledge portfolio

This is to designed to help students understand and learn key facts about French society for the first part of the oral. I have added statistics and fact-checked numbers on websites such as insee.fr I hope it is useful to you and your students.
Le Petit Nicolas part en vacances - booklet Quick View

Le Petit Nicolas part en vacances - booklet

This is a booklet I made for Year 7 & Year 8 in light of the new curriculum. It is 27 pages long and full of exercises (translation, grammar, comprehension) based on authentic extracts from Le Petit Nicolas. My classes have really enjoyed working in the booklet along with watching the movie and it provides a great platform into French culture. Feel free to comment!
Le Petit Nicolas part en vacances Quick View

Le Petit Nicolas part en vacances

A worksheet on the topic of holidays using Le Petit Nicolas. Useful to review simple concepts of translation, vocabulary, grammar and writing on that topic. Can be set as homework or classwork. I use it in conjunction with extracts from Le Petit Nicolas and the movie 'Le Petit Nicolas part en vacances'. It fits with the new GSCE specifications (authenticity of resources and languages).
A-Level French Year 2 Social issues revision bookletQuick View

A-Level French Year 2 Social issues revision booklet

A booklet made of different articles from nouvelobs, le monde and courrier international to give students a glimpse of France in May 2016. I made this to boost revision as we approach the exam with a variety of reading and translation tasks. Topics dealt with are environment, criminality, immigration and integration, protests and multiculturalism.
Y12 AQA Listening, reading, grammar worksheet Quick View

Y12 AQA Listening, reading, grammar worksheet

A worksheet using news reports for listening exercises as well as authentic article for reading task. Grammar tasks based on the AQA exam. Useful to sharpen listening and reading skills and introducing more authentic language in preparation for Y13.
Y13 AQA Listening and translation exercises Quick View

Y13 AQA Listening and translation exercises

A listening exercise based on a news report about human robots. Authentic resource with listening exercises based on the AQA exam. Translation exercises from English to French from all topics.
Y12 AQA AS Listening revision Quick View

Y12 AQA AS Listening revision

Three listening exercises based on news reports on social networks, tourism and young people and jobs. Each listening uses the first minute of the report, you can build in more activities if the whole report interests you. The exercises are based on the AQA AS listening exam. This can be set as homework as well as classwork.