Chinese dynasty and timelines lesson (Lower KS2)Quick View

Chinese dynasty and timelines lesson (Lower KS2)

This powerpoint resource (Chinese-history)explains what the main Chinese dynasties were and how the use of archaeology and artefacts gives us information about them. The children's task is to use cards (explained below) to devise a timeline of the Chinese dynasties. This meets the requirements of the National Curriculum to order and place people and events on a timeline. There is a fun set of colourful cards (china_dynasty_tt) with an image and description of the main events, some key people and inventions of these times. The cards are big (one side of A4 each so one set per table is sufficient) Also they would work amazingly well for whole class ordering in a amin teaching session once the powerpoint has been shown. They are on word so desired information can be added. There are 13 key dynasty cards but you may wish to add one or two more for comprehensive historical coverage of the smaller inter dynasty warring periods. POINT Of INFORMATION - these could be used as an information source using the 'envoy' technique if you do not want to use them for a pure scaffold for the timeline. Worksheets containing a base timeline with all to no intervals pre-marked to support children. The activity description in the powerpoint outlines the different outcomes for each group, i.e. a SEN child to just choose an event/invention or person from the cards to write a bit about and draw. The higher ability historians should choose and individual to write about and explain their contribution to a specific dynastic period.
Global goals for sustainable development question promptsQuick View

Global goals for sustainable development question prompts

Set of 6 publisher questions for Global Goals/SDG's which when printed onto card can be placed on tables showing both sides. These act as thought prompts for research and or discussion. Expert Centre for Global Learning Programme. Can be adapted.
Global Goal Number 5 notebooks for Unit work on Sustainable development goalsQuick View

Global Goal Number 5 notebooks for Unit work on Sustainable development goals

SDG/Global Goal number 5 Gender Equality. One notebook for selection and retrieval of research data on countries comparing the role of women and girls in education, workforce and parliament. To be used with research cards and tops trumps cards which can be modified to change countries concerned. Other notebook linking women's enfranchisement to the question of whether action is justifiable in Saudi Arabia likened to the action of suffragettes during their struggle. Expert Centre for Global Learning.