Surface Area Introduction with ExtensionQuick View

Surface Area Introduction with Extension

This lesson is an introduction to surface area. It includes a fully differentiated PowerPoint, Lesson plan and resources. Throughout the lesson students are asked to apply surface area to different 3D shapes and real life contexts. It would work with a high ability KS3 group or as a revision resource for GCSE.
Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP)Quick View

Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP)

This is a fully differentiated lesson with support and challenge tasks and resources. Aimed at a mixed ability KS3 group, however this would work well as a foundation GCSE revision session, or with more able KS2 groups. Success criteria runs throughout the lesson providing opportunity for students to self assess and then choose the task which will help them to make further progress. The lesson also includes a starter and plenary task.
Fully differentiated lesson - finding the area of triangles and compound shapesQuick View

Fully differentiated lesson - finding the area of triangles and compound shapes

This is a fully differentiated lesson, where the students need to investigate the areas of triangles and compound shapes. They then have to apply this to problems involving algebraic solutions. This lesson would be suitable for a high ability KS3 class or as revision for foundation GCSE. It includes success criteria, a full presentation and differentiated worksheets.