Task 3Quick View

Task 3

A detailed powerpoint breaking down task 3 sports science
Warm-up resource cardsQuick View

Warm-up resource cards

To make individual warm-up flip cards This is so students can self-sufficiently warm-up / create warm-up routines includes: pulse raiser core stretching
Gymnastics RollsQuick View

Gymnastics Rolls

Resource that includes a variety of rolls with differentiated levels (the chillies). This means that the pupils can choose the rolls for the level they are currently working at.
How to Forward Roll with TargetsQuick View

How to Forward Roll with Targets

Great reciprocal sheet that has the technique for the forward roll on one side and targets for their partner to look out for on the other. (Chillies indicate success outcomes, WT, ACH, WB)
Differentiated Gymnastic Flight MovementsQuick View

Differentiated Gymnastic Flight Movements

Colour co-ordinated flight task cards (Red hardest to green the easiest). Idea is to laminated and put into flip cards. Working towards students only have green, achieving have all the green with the ambers at the back and the working beyond have all the jumps. Pupils can progress to a different pack if ready to do so.
NETBALL - DodgingQuick View

NETBALL - Dodging

Back to back resource sheet with how to prepare, execute and follow-through with four different dodges in netball. Dodges include: The Double Dodge The reverse pivot The Drive The Dodge


Includes eight different exercises. I used this as a warm-up and placed about 30 different exercise cards down with a cone on top. Pupils would follow an instructions e.g. jogging in the space and when the whistle was blown they would go to that cone and perform that exercise.
Gymnastics ShapesQuick View

Gymnastics Shapes

Includes two sides. Side one - most common shapes used in gymnastics (chillies rank the level of difficulty of each shape) Side two - Some fun objects that the pupils have to experiment getting into in groups using the shapes from the first side.
Triple Jump resource sheetQuick View

Triple Jump resource sheet

Double sided resource sheets that shows how to perform the hop into the step and the reverse side shows how to perform the hop into the step into the jump. Very visual resource.
Performance ProfilingQuick View

Performance Profiling

Performance profiling worksheet based on nine skills used in football. Two skills are taught for a small duration at the beginning of the lesson where pupils consider their level for that skill e.g. dribbling before, during and after learning. Pupils rate themselves, identify if the skill is a strength or weakness for them, why and what key words apply to that skill. Empty boxes in first column is for observing another pupil.