fumar o no fumarQuick View

fumar o no fumar

powerpoint to answer 5 main questions about smoking; students choose which phrases they'd like to use from each slide to answer the question at the top; answers can be built on independently by students also
el estrés - stressQuick View

el estrés - stress

A PPT created to help my Year 10 students answer questions on how often they are stressed, what causes them stress and what they do when they're stressed - also a little information on relaxation and what they do to relax. Could also be used / adapted for use with 6th Form.
los númerosQuick View

los números

basic numbers table for beginners to stick in their exercise books
la formaQuick View

la forma

classroom quiz designed for helping students to collect vocabulary that may be useful to them when preparing their controlled assessment on healthy lifestyles - the phrases on the ppt are designed to be cut up and stuck around the classroom; students then take their sheets with the english phrases on and find the spanish equivalents and write them down.
sopa de letras - animalesQuick View

sopa de letras - animales

a simple wordsearch containing the names of pets in spanish - students must translate the names of the animals into english then find the spanish in the wordsearch
ma piéce favoriteQuick View

ma piéce favorite

simple ppt to help introduce vocab for talking about favourite rooms in the house and what they like/don't like doing in that room - introduction of different rooms to start, then mr meow-meow tells us about his favourite/non-favourite rooms in his house; followed by a reading activity and a pair speaking activity