GCSE Maths revision- with QR code video linksQuick View

GCSE Maths revision- with QR code video links

Students can revise topics by scanning QR codes with their phones or pasting the youtube links on their PC. They are then linked to revision videos after which they can try the referenced questions(these can be updated year on year -Edexcel linear shown). The topics selected are 'banker' topics which can be mastered by repeated practice. This should enable pupils to revise indepenently with ease and allow teachers to spend more time in lessons working on more challenging/non routine/AO3 style questions.
Binary cards- the maths behind the magicQuick View

Binary cards- the maths behind the magic

Promethean flipchart/worksheet/5cards per pupil A nice activity in which pupils investigate base 2. Start by displaying the cards and doing the trick (e.g.ACD = 13)with your back to the board (most of them will be amazed). Tell them that they too will be able to do this trick by the end of the lesson. Discuss denary and possible reasons for its use. Move onto binary giving examples of modern day uses ( computers, mobile phones etc). Pupils find binary codes for 1 - 31 on the worksheet. The columns on the worksheet are A - E from right to left and a 1 indicates which cards should have that number (e.g. 5 base 10 =00101 - columns A and C have a 1 and so should have 5 written on them. Pupils create their own 5 cards and practise the trick.