L'environnementQuick View


A new updated version of the previous PP presentation - added: links to websites/films/songs - all related to the environment. Also, a number of activities for students to complete (debates/ research etc...). Film: L'homme qui plantait des arbres (Back 1987). Chansons: L'hymne de nos campagnes (Tryo), La terre meurt (Aznavour), Signaux de fumée (Zazie). Site: developpement-durable.gouv.fr; cite-sciences.fr, snpn.com; fne.asso.fr
WelcomeQuick View


I have used this workbook published by Amnesty International on the film Welcome; it talks about immigration and asylum seekers and how the 'Calaisiens' are caught in the middle. Careful: the film is in English, Kurdish and French (although my students really struggled with the actors' mumbling, particularly in French, they really enjoyed it).
French songsQuick View

French songs

French songs throughout the decades; can be used in a variety of ways in lessons.
Publicité mensongèreQuick View

Publicité mensongère

Based on the IB B Companion book page 201, this powerpoint is aimed at debating on false advertising and the use of everything 'environmental and natural'. Aimed at IB students particularly but could suit A level students as well.
Game based on Indix (20 questions)Quick View

Game based on Indix (20 questions)

For each category ( thing/place/character) students can have up to 10 clues. Students choose to play individually or in teams. The first one to find the answer, wins. Variation: if they guess wrongly, they lose marks. Can be adapted to fit all levels of ability and interests ( by topic).
Amour et AmitiéQuick View

Amour et Amitié

Based on the first page of that chapter - French B Course Companion book - starter activity to get students to talk about love and friendship
French Controlled Assessment on Town Quick View

French Controlled Assessment on Town

A PowerPoint Presentation which gives step-by-step examples of good practice of a Writing Controlled Assessment. At the end of each slide, there are activities for students to write their own examples.
French Reading Activity Quick View

French Reading Activity

A reading activity which involves reading an article in the style of an interview in a newspaper and answering questions.
Les valeurs des jeunesQuick View

Les valeurs des jeunes

A starter activity - to trigger some thoughts about young people's values - based on the IB B French Course companion book; aimed at getting IB students to talk about the moral and religious values that they hold
Controlled Assessment on Health and LifestyleQuick View

Controlled Assessment on Health and Lifestyle

This is an example of good (and bad) practice ; the material is taken from real students (spelling/grammar mistakes included). This is to show students a writing framework for their first controlled assessment.