Treasure Island Map Skills Y7Quick View

Treasure Island Map Skills Y7

This a lesson and resources that is used to test the progress of students with four figure, six figure, contours, scale and symbols on a treasure island map. There is a simple grid reference starter on the ppt and then instructions on how to get the best out of a treasure island map template (that I have adjusted from the original) Please read the instructions at the bottom of the slideshow to get the full PIRATE experience.
Desert Environment Dangers, Survival and WAGOLL Mark SchemeQuick View

Desert Environment Dangers, Survival and WAGOLL Mark Scheme

This a lesson based on the understanding of the biotic and abiotic features of the desert biome (hot). It include two starter activities, a peer assessed main activity and a mark scheme and WAGOLL assessment scheme to allow students to self assess and produce methods of improvement. There is also a suggested homework. Plus a bonus lesson on Climate Graphs and Living in the Desert.
Geography KS3 - Conflict in Syria Quick View

Geography KS3 - Conflict in Syria

This lesson is a resource for conflicts in Y9. The 1st task is to write an analysis of a photograph and peer assess using the WAGOLL to mark the inclusion of Why, Who, Where and Where. The students then complete a timed annotation of the world map (printed on A3) and the local map using the key and information on the powerpoint. Finally, they compete the exam style question using the information n the maps to help them. Please review with improvements or comments.
Globalisation and the European Union MysteryQuick View

Globalisation and the European Union Mystery

Lesson starts with the images on the desks and a plate of chicken(optional) Main body is mystery cards need to be sorted to highlight the impact of subsidies and trade in the EU on other countries globally. Students then complete the exam style question and peer assess or self assess using the mark scheme on the ppt. The mystery facts are from a paper on EU trade and the mark scheme should be adapted to suit your needs.