Guided Reading Worksheets BundleQuick View

Guided Reading Worksheets Bundle

20 Resources
I love guided reading. I love to get the children to discover more from every book they read. I like my students to look at the same book from different viewpoints, such as by using Thinking Hats to get more out of each book. I have created a wide range of different worksheets which you can use time and again with different books. Try them today.
Guided Reading Support BundleQuick View

Guided Reading Support Bundle

11 Resources
I created lots of different guided reading worksheets and ideas which work with any book you already have. These worksheets can be used time and again throughout the year or the reading scheme. Try them today!
Year 4 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading schemeQuick View

Year 4 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme

Year 4 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
Year 3 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.Quick View

Year 3 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
Year 2 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.Quick View

Year 2 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
KS1 Guided Reading Thinking Hat Worksheets, Cut Out Hats And Thinking Hats Guided Reading DisplayQuick View

KS1 Guided Reading Thinking Hat Worksheets, Cut Out Hats And Thinking Hats Guided Reading Display

The KS1 Guided Reading Thinking Hats worksheets provide students a chance to explore different approaches to thinking and reading a book. When students use Thinking Hats with their guided reading book, they can view the same book from 6 different angles. The worksheets are non-book specific and can be used with a wide range of different books from any levelled or unlevelled reading scheme. These worksheets are particularly useful when a student has finished a book before they move onto a new book. It is a great way of checking their understanding and making sure they have got as much as they can from every book they read. I have been teaching as a primary school teacher for over 14 years. These worksheets can be used both in the classrooms and as homework sheets. The students will enjoy the wide range of activities on offer and be motivated to read more books and share their ideas with others.
Year 1 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.Quick View

Year 1 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
Year 5 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.Quick View

Year 5 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
KS2 Guided Reading Worksheets For Any Reading Scheme.Quick View

KS2 Guided Reading Worksheets For Any Reading Scheme.

KS2 Guided Reading Worksheets For Any Reading Scheme. These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
KS1 Guided Reading Worksheets For Any Reading Book SchemeQuick View

KS1 Guided Reading Worksheets For Any Reading Book Scheme

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
189 Pages of Primary Guided Reading Worksheets - Perfect for any reading scheme.Quick View

189 Pages of Primary Guided Reading Worksheets - Perfect for any reading scheme.

This comprehensive pack of worksheets is not linked to any particular book or reading scheme and can be used time and again with different books. These worksheets can be used as a class, independently or in small groups. The worksheets are well laid out and colourful. They could also be used as homework sheets. I use them to assess how much a student understood a particular book before letting them to change their book. These worksheets were designed by a highly experienced, motivated primary school teacher to make reading fun and provide an interesting focus to the reader. There are masks to make for plays, mind maps to extend a students thinking, and lots of chances for students to really shine. As this pack has worksheets from Year 1 to Year 6, there is something for every reader. There are worksheets for fiction and non-fiction books. There are worksheets looking at stories and others focusing on poetry.
Year 6 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.Quick View

Year 6 Guided Reading Worksheets - Can be used with any reading scheme.

These worksheets are designed to be used time and again with different books. These are designed to be used in guided reading sessions. Many of the worksheets are designed in such a way that a student can complete them independently. However, to get the maximum out of this book, I would highly recommend these worksheets are used to consolidate the learning taking place in the classroom. Another use of this set of worksheets is additional homework sheets. I have used these sheets very effectively as a way of checking to see if students have read their book and do fully understand what they have read. I hope you enjoy this book and that your students are inspired to take a more active, more motivated role in their own learning.
Simple French Reading Books - complete with English Language Guided Reading WorksheetsQuick View

Simple French Reading Books - complete with English Language Guided Reading Worksheets

Here is my simple French reading schemes. I have added some English guided reading worksheets to help you get more out of each book at no extra charge. C'est la faute du chat ! Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'It's All the Cat's Fault!', English , Level 2 by Anushka Ravishankar Illustrator Priya Kuriyan Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Le garçon dans cette histoire n'a pas pu rendre ses devoirs à cause d'un chat. Mauvaise excuse ? Attends d'y lire ce qui lui est arrivé et comment un évènement peut entraîner à un autre, puis à plusieurs autres...
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Pas maintenant !Quick View

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Pas maintenant !

Pas maintenant ! is all about a boy getting ready for a big surprise. I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you to develop a wider range of learning activities related to this book. Pas maintenant ! Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'Not Now, Not Now!', English , Level 1 by Rohini Nilekani Illustrator Ruchi Shah Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis Le petit garçon dans cette histoire veux faire quelque chose maintenant, mais les adultes disent "PAS MAINTENANT" ! Est-ce que ça te fâches quand quelqu'un te dit ça ?
FREE The Snail And The Whale workbook - 16 Thinking Hat Worksheets Makes Reading Fun!Quick View

FREE The Snail And The Whale workbook - 16 Thinking Hat Worksheets Makes Reading Fun!

The Snail And The Whale is one of Britain's best selling children picture books. The images in this book come from public domain resources - not from the original book. I was amazed that there were so few teaching resources for this book and so I have written 16 Guided Reading Thinking Hat worksheets for the book. I would love to have some feedback from anyone who has used them in the classroom.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme - Je sais monter !Quick View

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme - Je sais monter !

I have developed a super simple French guided reading scheme, using a wide range of beautifully illustrated books. I have also enclosed lots of English guided reading sheets to help you get more out of each book. Je sais monter! Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'I Can Climb!', English , Level 1 by Mini Shrinivasan Illustrator Deval Maniar Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Ici, un petit garçon apprend à monter. Mais peut-il descendre ? Ce livre est l'un des quatre de la série « Grandir ».
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - L'imperméable rougeQuick View

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - L'imperméable rouge

Here is a fun story about a raincoat - L'imperméable rouge. In addition I have included lots of English guided reading scheme worksheets to help you get more out of this book. L'imperméable rouge Translator Sak Untala Original story: 'The Red Raincoat', English , Level 1 byKiran Kasturia Illustrator Zainab Tambawalla Reading Level 1 is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading. Language French Synopsis Manu a un nouvel imperméable. Il a très hâte de l'essayer, mais la pluie se fait attendre... attendre... et attendre encore.
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma fermeQuick View

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma ferme

I have developed a super simple French guided reading scheme. Today's title is Ma ferme. I have also included lots of English guided reading sheets to help and inspire you to get more out of each book you buy and use. Ma ferme Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'My farm', English , Level 1 by Lavanya Nagappan Illustrator Lavanya Nagappan Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Lors d'une promenade, un chien, Bilbo rencontre des animaux de la ferme et apprend des choses à leur sujet. Combien d'animaux de la ferme pourras-tu repérer sur cette image et qui sont-ils ?
Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma meilleure amieQuick View

Super Simple French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Ma meilleure amie

Ma meilleure amie (My best friend) is a beautifully illustrated story. I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to both help and to inspire you to get more out of the book. Ma meilleure amie Translator Cyrille Largillier Original story: 'My Best Friend', English , Level 1 by Anupa Lal Illustrator Suvidha Mistry Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading). Language French Synopsis: Veux-tu avoir un ami très spécial ? Lis ce livre et tu pourras constater que tu as déjà un ami très spécial!
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Vallée d'amitiéQuick View

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Vallée d'amitié

Vallée d'amitié - Friendship land - is a great starting point for discussing relationships in French. Who are my friends and why? I have also included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help you develop a wider range of ideas about how you can use this book in the classroom. Vallée d'amitié Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'Friendship Land', English , Level 1 by Janani Ganapathi Illustrator Shailja Jain Chougule, Sweta Roy Choudhury Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Dino mène une vie douloureuse, en solitude dans sa petite grotte. Il n'a jamais eu d'amis and cela le rend malheureux. Un jour, la rivière près de sa grotte lui donne un cadeau magique pour résoudre son problème. Lis l'histoire pour trouver ce que c'est.
French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Mon petit monde secret !Quick View

French Guided Reading Scheme For Beginners - Mon petit monde secret !

Here is a beautifully illustrated book - Mon petit monde secret ! I also have included lots of English guided reading worksheets to help and inspire you in ways to get more out of each book you buy and use. Mon petit monde secret ! Translator Janani Ganapathi Original story: 'What If?', English , Level 1 by Hari Kumar Nair Illustrator Hari Kumar Nair Reading Level 1 (It is suitable for children who are eager to begin reading.) Language French Synopsis: Quand Shyam est ensommeillé, il a de la peine à se brosser les dents. Par contre, rêver n'est pas pas un problème du tout.