Sport Relief 2018: Sport for Change - Film and Assembly (Secondary)Quick View

Sport Relief 2018: Sport for Change - Film and Assembly (Secondary)

Use our film (link for film included in PowerPoint) about 15-year-old Sipho, who lives in a township near Cape Town, South Africa. The townships are violent and dangerous, and one in five young people who grows up there suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of tough childhood experiences. This assembly will help your pupils compare their lives with those of others and understand the difference their fundraising makes.
Sport Relief 2018: Pledge CardQuick View

Sport Relief 2018: Pledge Card

Get your pupils to think about the difference they can make when they take part in Sport Relief, and ask them to fill in a pledge card. Stick them up in the classroom to see just how far your school is going for Sport Relief.