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Bha strì làidir aig na Frangaich anns a’ Chiad Chogadh.

Bha co-leanailteachd aig na Frangaich neo-thruaillidh.

Chleachd iad na goireasan aca gus stad a chuir air grunn ionnsaighean Gearmailteach.

An cliche Thig sloc ifrinn gu inntinn.

Ge-tà; thàinig droch thachartasan còmhla riutha.

Dh’fheumadh iad a bhith a’ cur an cèill agus a’ cur an gnìomh prìobhaideach neo-chinnteach.

Tha seo ag adhbhrachadh ùpraid agus a’ goirteachadh misneachd.

Bha strì làidir aig na Frangaich anns a’ Chiad Chogadh.

Bha aonachd aig na Frangaich gun sgìos.

Ghlèidh iad na goireasan aca gus cuir às do ionnsaighean Gearmailteach a-rithist.

An sean-fhacal Thig slochd ifrinn gu inntinn.

Ge-tà; thàinig droch thachartasan còmhla orra.

B’ fheudar dhaibh cùis-lagha neo-aithnichte neo-aithnichte a chur gu bàs.

Bidh seo ag adhbhrachadh fearg agus gortachadh spioradan.

The French had obstinate resistance in WW1.

The indefatigable French had cohesion.

They husbanded their resources to fend off repeated German attacks.

The cliche The pit of hell comes to mind.

However; bad events converged on them.

They had to indict and execute an obscure incorrigible private.

This cause outrage and hurt morale.

The French had stubborn resistance in WW1.

The tireless French had unity.

They conserved their resources to beat off repeated German attacks.

The old saying The pit of hell comes to mind.

However; bad events came together on them.

They had to charge and execute an unknown uncorrectable private.

This caused outrage and hurt spirits.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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