Mar sin, chaidh oidhirp sheasmhach le seasmhachd a dhèanamh air Mars.
Bha e a’ toirt a-steach a h-uile duine.
Mu dheireadh, bha iad a 'fuireach ann an àrainneachd bhrèagha.
A rèir choltais bha seo mì-choltach ri Mars fhèin.
Tha Mars neo-chòrdail ri beatha dhaoine.
Chaidh eucorach a thoirt air ais chun Talamh.
Bha e duilich agus thug e freagairtean teann dha na casaidean aige.
Chaidh iad uile a chuir às a dhreuchd.
Mar sin, chaidh oidhirp fhada sheasmhach le cumhachd fuireach a dhèanamh air Mars.
Bha e air a ghabhail a-steach leis an t-sluagh gu lèir.
Mu dheireadh, bha iad a 'fuireach ann an àrainneachd mhòr.
A rèir choltais bha seo a-mach à àite gu Mars fhèin.
Chan eil Mars freagarrach airson beatha dhaoine.
Chaidh eucorach a thoirt air ais chun Talamh.
Bha socair aige agus thug e freagairtean goirid èifeachdach dha na casaidean aige.
Chaidh iad uile a thilgeil a-mach.
So, a sustained effort with tenacity was done on Mars.
It was inclusive of all people.
Finally, they lived in lavish surroundings.
This was seemingly incongruous to Mars itself.
Mars is incompatible to human life.
A criminal was brought back to Earth.
He had composure and made terse answers to his charges.
They were all dismissed.
So, a steady long effort with staying power was done on Mars.
It was included of all the people.
Finally, they lived in great surroundings.
This was seemingly out of place to Mars itself.
Mars is unsuited to human life.
A criminal was brought back to Earth.
He had calmness and made short effective answers to his charges.
They were all thrown out.
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